Latest Daytona USA News

Xbox 360 delistings: Last call before store removals begin

Loads of Xbox 360 games will be delisted from the 360 Marketplace soon, and while some will still be available to buy through the Xbox Store, others might be gone for good. Here is every game that could be delisted permanently.

Posted 2 years ago by Sean Carey

Ten of the best arcade racing games on Xbox

Arcade racers are about those big colours, those huge crashes, those weapons flying from your bonnet, the sweet drifts you pull off, and all the fun you have, all the time! These are ten of the best available on Xbox consoles.

Posted 4 years ago by Kes Eylers-Stephenson

Stacking and More Now Backward Compatible

Another 3 titles have joined the ever expanding Xbox Backward Compatibility program, including Stacking, Daytona USA and Tower Bloxx Deluxe.

Posted 8 years ago by Dave Horobin

TA Podcast: Episode 24

On Valentine's day, Rich, Jack and myself cracked open a bottle of wine (or two in Rich's case), lit some scented candles and dimmed the lights as we got together again to record the latest episode of the TrueAchievements podcast. In this episode, we discuss what we've been playing, the rec

Posted 9 years ago by Dave Horobin

Sales & Specials+: Week of December 4th, 2012

Besides the usual rarely changing fashion of the Mystery Wheel, we've got a whole new set of discounts to look at this week with three XBLA titles, and Batman: Arkham City (Xbox 360) DLC items up for

Posted 13 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Microsoft Starts a Black Friday XBL Sale [UPDATE]

Black Friday is a big event in North America. On the day after Thansksgiving , the vast majority of retailers will open earlier and discount goods in a tradition that marks the start of the holiday s

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

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