Dead Age Achievements Full list of all 77 Dead Age achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 77 Offline Mode 77 Single Player 26 Missable 42 Cumulative + 3 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Wave RiderSurvive 3 encounters in which attackers approach in waves. 1 guideRager FighterDefeat 3 Ragers. 1 guideSurvivorSurvive for 3 or more days. 1 guideShop NewbieMake a purchase at the shop. 1 guideUndead Civilian FighterDefeat 3 undead civilians. 1 guideWolf FighterDefeat 3 Wolves. 1 guideUndead Scientist FighterDefeat 3 scientists. 1 guideUndead Soldier FighterDefeat 3 undead soldiers. 1 guideSoldier FighterDefeat 3 soldiers. 1 guideWallstreet SharkDefeat 3 suits. 1 guideHound FighterDefeat 3 German Shepherds. 1 guideUndead Punk FighterDefeat 3 undead punks. 1 guidePunk FighterDefeat 3 punks. 1 guidePrisoner FighterDefeat 3 undead prisoners. 1 guideUndead Cop FighterDefeat 3 undead cops. 1 guideUndead Scavenger FighterDefeat 3 undead scavengers. 1 guideScavenger FighterDefeat 3 scavengers. 1 guidePatient FighterDefeat 3 infected patients. 1 guideBitten Pedestrian FighterDefeat 3 Bitten Pedestrians. 1 guideCowboy FighterDefeat 3 undead cowboys. 1 guideCheerleader FighterDefeat 3 Cheerleader. 1 guideUndead Civilian KillerDefeat 10 undead civilians. 1 guideRager KillerDefeat 10 Ragers. 1 guideWolf KillerDefeat 10 Wolves. 1 guideUndead Scientist KillerDefeat 10 scientists. 1 guideUndead Soldier KillerDefeat 10 undead soldiers. 1 guideSoldier KillerDefeat 10 soldiers. 1 guideWallstreet AssassinDefeat 10 suits. 1 guideHound KillerDefeat 10 German Shepherds. 2 guidesUndead Punk KillerDefeat 10 undead punks. 1 guidePunk KillerDefeat 10 punks. 1 guidePrisoner KillerDefeat 10 undead prisoners. 1 guideUndead Cop KillerDefeat 10 undead cops. 1 guideUndead Scavenger KillerDefeat 10 undead scavengers. 1 guideScavenger KillerDefeat 10 scavengers. 1 guidePatient KillerDefeat 10 infected patients. 1 guideBitten Pedestrian KillerDefeat 10 Bitten Pedestrians. 1 guideCowboy KillerDefeat 10 undead cowboys. 1 guideCheerleader KillerDefeat 10 Cheerleader. 1 guideResilientTurn down three offers made by the hungry family. 1 guideCraft RookieCraft an item. 1 guideSurvivor TerenceTerence reaches camp alive. 2 guidesSurvivor SharonSharon reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor MasonMason reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor MaryMary reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor LydiaLydia reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor LizLiz reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor LarissaLarissa reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor JenniferJennifer reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor JamesJames reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor JamalJamal reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor HankHank reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvivor BillBill reaches camp alive. 1 guideSurvival ExpertSurvive for 10 or more days. 1 guideWave FighterSurvive 10 encounters in which attackers approach in waves. 1 guideSurvival MasterSurvived until day 20. 1 guideShop RegularBuy three things at the shop. 1 guideUnromanceableComplete the game without falling in love. 1 guideRomance LydiaComplete the game in love with Lydia. 2 guidesRomance LarissaComplete the game in love with Larissa. 1 guideRomance JenniferComplete the game in love with Jennifer. 1 guideCivilian's ProtectorRescue 3 civilians. 1 guideFamily SamaritanAccept 2 trade deals made by the hungry family. 1 guideCraft AdeptCraft three items. 1 guideSurvival GrandmasterSurvived until day 33. 1 guideShop ExpertBuy six objects at the shop. 1 guideCivilian's SaviorRescue 6 civilians. 1 guideBoss FighterDefeat 3 bosses. 1 guideFamily Bleeding HeartAccept 4 trade offers made by the hungry family. 1 guideSuccessful Ending 3Complete the game and save the world. 1 guideSuccessful Ending 2Complete with game and defeat the punks. 1 guideSuccessful Ending 1Unlock the bare minimum success ending. 1 guideCraft MasterCraft six items. 1 guideFailed Ending 3Unlock the ending in which you fail to reach the bunker. 1 guideFailed Ending 2Unlock the early ending in the desert. 1 guideFailed Ending 1Unlock the early ending on day 20. 1 guideCivilian's HeroRescue 10 civilians. 1 guide