Latest Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) News

Fumbling The Handoff

Video games have a long history of secondary studios coming into a series while the primary team takes a break or moves on, and it seems to maybe never end well. Why does this keep happening?

Posted 9 years ago by Mark Delaney

TA Top Five: Special Editions

Chances are, among those of you that are reading this, that at least some of you are collectors. We don't mean only the type of collector that acquires a massive backlog of games (guilty!), but those

Posted 11 years ago by Michelle Balsan

TA Top Five: Evil Corporations

Spoiler Warning: In the process of discussing the game's evil corporations, certain plot points which may spoil a story may be discussed. If you have not played a certain game on this list, read at

Posted 11 years ago by Dread Reaver

Dead Rising Collection Heading to Europe

As the generation of the Xbox 360 begins its final act, we have started to see many HD releases of old games as well as collections of current-gen series. Capcom look to have clocked onto this trend

Posted 11 years ago by Marc Hollinshead

TA Top Five: Beverages

Ever since Dirk the Daring (and rather accident prone) first picked up a bottle enticingly labelled "Drink Me" in 1983's Dragon's Lair and subsequently disintegrated into a pile of hot white ash, gam

Posted 12 years ago by Chewie

Retail Releases: Week of October 8th, 2013

Skylanders looks to capitalize on the weekend crowd with a rare Sunday release. This makes sense since children (a key demographic for these titles) normally have to go to school during the week and

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

Capcom Essentials Announced

CAPCOM have today announced CAPCOM Essentials, a collection of the company's biggest games from this generation of gaming in one multi-game package. Along with a free travel bag, the following five g

Posted 12 years ago by Ellis Spice

Xbox LIVE Spring Sale is Ready for the Picking

It is that time again fellow gamers, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the snow is melting, that's unless you live in Canada, and the Xbox LIVE Spring Sale is here waiting for your hard ear

Posted 12 years ago by SgtDigglesworth

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Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 1Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 2Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 3Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 4Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 5Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 6Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 7Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) Screenshot 8