Need Co-OP partner 2024
by Agonize
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record PC setup Tutorial
by oxHARMONxo
Coop Partner in 2022/23
by xXDonVittorioXx
Might help with getting a new physical copy gfwl CD key.
by Prokapustish
You can earn achievements without a valid key!
by xX3601080pXx
Worth a shot but....
by A2CKilla
Unused CD Key for sell !!!
by CrysisWarXX3
Steam has it on sale & I'm getting it. What do I need 2 know 2 run it in 2021?
by Thomas29
how to run dead riseing 2 and otr GFWL
by nsm0220
GUIDE : How to get past the server activation issues
by Idan345
Lookng for co-op partners for Off the Record PC
by Clarissalover
Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2 and DR2: Off the Record to Grace Current Gen
by KBop a doo
Co-op Partner for Challenges
by Seitzz
Capcom GFWL Games Transitioning to Steamworks
by punkyliar
GFWL DotW: January 5th, 2012
by litepink
GFWL DLC Roundup: November 22nd, 2011
GFWL DLC Roundup: November 15th, 2011
More Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (PC) DLC
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record (PC) Cyborg DLC
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Sandbox Mode