Depth of Extinction Achievements Full list of all 53 Depth of Extinction achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 53 Offline Mode 53 Single Player 1 Main Storyline 12 Cumulative + 14 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Kill 10 EnemiesKill 10 of the bad guys. 1 guideKill 100 EnemiesKill 100 of the bad guys. Kill 1000 EnemiesKill 1000 of the bad guys. Hat TrickKill 3 or more enemies in one mission with a single character 1 guideTen Hat TricksGet 10 hat tricks 100 Hat TricksGet 100 hat tricks 1 guideThe First to FallLose your first character in battle. The DepartedLose ten character in battle. One Shot, One KillUnlock the Deadeye class. 1 guideUp Close and PersonalUnlock the Assault class. 1 guideReady to PounceUnlock the Wildcat class. 1 guideJack of All TradesUnlock the Soldier class. 1 guideProtector of the WeakUnlock the Warden class. 1 guideLoose CannonUnlock the Wrecker class. 1 guideA Sailor's Life For MeUnlock the Swashbuckler class. 1 guideIt's a SlaughterUnlock the Butcher class. 1 guideKill ShotMax a character's Deadeye class stat. 1 guideClose CombatMax a character's Assault class stat. 1 guideCombined ArmsMax a character's Wildcat class stat. 1 guideDouble TapMax a character's Soldier class stat. 1 guideImmovable ObjectMax a character's Warden class stat. 1 guideUnstoppable ForceMax a character's Wrecker class stat. 1 guideMain SailMax a character's Swashbuckler class stat. 1 guideDeath DealerMax a character's Butcher class stat. 1 guideUnbreakableMax a character's Constitution stat. 1 guideSixth SenseMax a character's Awareness stat. 1 guideQuick DrawMax a character's Reaction stat. 1 guideFast and FuriousMax a character's Speed stat. 1 guideTrue GritMax a character's Grit stat. 1 guideWin 10 MissionsWin 10 missions Win 50 MissionsWin 50 missions Win 100 MissionsWin 100 missions PainkillerDeal 100 damage 1 guideWar EnsembleDeal 1000 damage Damage Inc.Deal 5000 damage Just Getting StartedComplete the tutorial. 1 guideLast One StandingComplete an objective while having only one team member left alive. Army of OneSend only one character on a mission and succeed. LiberationFree a Slave 1 guideObtain the Code ScramblerFinish the Code Scrambler objective Skull of the FirstFinish the Skull of the First objective The All-Seeing EyeFinish the The All-Seeing Eye objective The Greatest of MindsFinish the The Greatest of Minds objective A Final ChanceFinish the A Final Chance objective Find Experimental Weapon OneFind the Plasma Rifle Find Experimental Weapon TwoFind the Fusion Sniper Find Experimental Weapon ThreeFind the Plasma Launcher Find the First Sub BayFind the medical sub Find the Second Sub BayFind the transport sub Find the Third Sub BayFind the medical transport sub Find the Fourth Sub BayFind the large transport sub They'll Never See MeUnlock the Saboteur class. 1 guideSneak AttackMax a character's Saboteur class stat. 1 guide