Vote Now for July 2017's TA Playlist GameWe've been thinking of doing some themed months for TA Playlist for a while now. We have several in the pipeline, but July calls for our first ever themed Playlist event. Come choose one of four games from series shown at E3! Posted 8 years ago by Mark Delaney
Destiny Previews This Year's Festival of the LostIt's back! "The Festival of the Lost honors and celebrates the spirits of the dead, Guardian and citizens alike. We commemorate their sacrifices and treasure their memories. We laugh in the face of Death." Posted 9 years ago by Kelly Packard
Destiny: The Collection DetailedLove it or hate it, there's no denying Bungie's Destiny has an armload of content. Whether you're a new player or someone still playing on a last-gen console, they'd like to tempt you with Destiny: The Collection. Posted 9 years ago by Kelly Packard
Destiny Patch Looks To Fix Issues Ahead of The Rise of IronBungie looks to eliminate a few bugs and issues in Destiny way ahead of the "Rise of Iron" release this September. The patch will also be the last scheduled deployment for Legacy Consoles. Posted 9 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Downloadable DiscontentDLC isn't going away. What was once reserved for only the most hyped AAA titles is now a near inevitability for titles big and small. But the DLC model is shifting, and with that we have to ask: is it shifting for better or worse? Posted 9 years ago by Mr BlackMagik
Destiny Hot Fix Live Now, Changes to Melee Coming Next WeekA Destiny hot fix went live this week. The patch mainly addressed bug fixes. Another patch is in the works to address issues involving melee attacks. Here are the notes for the patch that is currently live: Activities • Fixed an issue in which chests in the Posted 9 years ago by Kelly Packard
TA Top Five: RespawnsDying. It'll happen to all of us. Thankfully when it happens in video games, it's not irreversible. It's just a part of the experience. Sometimes a game is really hard and you'll die many times at the same section (especially if you play things like the Dark Souls Series or the Halo Series on Legend Posted 9 years ago by Gabriel Kreulen
Destiny's April Update Brings Heaps of New ContentDeveloper Bungie has shown continued support for Destiny since its release in 2014, and they look to regularly add new content as seen in the game's April update. This update looks to be a big one, raising the light level up to 335, introducing new strikes as well as a new story mission, upgrading t Posted 9 years ago by Devin McIntyre
Destiny Previews April's UpdateA new update will be making its way to Bungie's Destiny this month, with plenty of new things to do. The team has gone into further details on the update recently via their Twitch channel as they talk about the Crucible and Sandbox changes. The exported stream clocks in at just over an hour: <br Posted 9 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Destiny Details April's UpdateA new update is making its way to the huge world of Destiny next month and Bungie, the well-known developer behind the title has detailed the update in a recent stream and also released several screens showcasing the upcoming content. In the video, lead designer Ryan Paradis and senior desi Posted 9 years ago by Ashley Woodcock