Destiny (Xbox 360) Achievements Full list of all 51 Destiny achievements worth 1,250 gamerscore. It takes around 150-200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox 360.The base game contains 41 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements worth 250 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 51 Online Mode 41 Single Player 4 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 4 Stackable 2 Collectable 11 Cumulative + 1 Buggy - 2 Buggy + 11 Level 3 Community 26 Cooperative 13 Versus 3 External Content 3 Time/Date 7 x4 Players Required 1 x6 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,659 1,000 41 3.89119,1504,630 (4%)150-200h Change of HeartReverse a decision you made in an upgrade grid. 1 guideShip RiteRebuild a Jumpship. 3 guidesBane of the EmperorKill 25 Cabal with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. 2 guidesDecryptologistDecrypt 25 Engrams. 3 guidesUse of WeaponsDismantle 50 pieces of armor or weapons. 2 guidesThe Life ExoticObtain and equip a piece of Exotic gear. 2 guidesA New SteedObtain and equip a new personal vehicle. 1 guideSuited for WarHave all armor and weapon slots equipped with Legendary or Exotic gear. 1 guideBane of the KellKill 25 Fallen with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. 4 guidesLucky 7sAttain a Grimoire score of 777. 1 guideBane of the DeadKill 25 Hive with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. 4 guidesInspectorInspect another player. 1 guideBlink of an EyeKill 5 enemies in 3 seconds. 4 guidesValorousEarn Vanguard Rank 1. 4 guidesNotoriousEarn Crucible Rank 1. 4 guidesPublic DefenderEarn the highest tier of completion in 10 public events. 1 guideFinders KeepersAssist in capturing 50 capture points in Control. 2 guidesRelic HunterAssist in capturing 20 capture points in Salvage. 3 guidesHunter KillerKill 100 Hunters in PvP. 2 guidesGiant SlayerKill 100 Titans in PvP. 2 guidesWitch HuntKill 100 Warlocks in PvP. 2 guidesAsk Questions LaterEarn a first strike kill in PvP. 1 guideExcessive ForceRegister 25 kills in PvP with heavy weapons. 2 guidesTriple PlayKill a Hunter, Titan, and Warlock without dying in a PvP match. 3 guidesRaiderComplete a Raid. 4 guidesRaiding PartyComplete a Raid with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members. 6 guidesEpic RaiderComplete a Raid on hard difficulty. 3 guidesFlawless RaiderComplete a Raid without anyone in your fireteam dying. 4 guidesVanguard HonorAttain Vanguard Rank 3. 2 guidesA Friend IndeedResurrect 5 fallen players. 1 guideRising VanguardComplete a Strike. 2 guidesStrength of the PackComplete a Strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members. 2 guidesFlawless StrikerComplete a Strike without anyone in your fireteam dying. 2 guidesGhost HunterDiscover 50 dead ghosts. 3 guidesDragon SlayerKill a champion of the Dark. 2 guidesHunter MasteryFully upgrade a Hunter Subclass. 3 guidesTitan MasteryFully upgrade a Titan Subclass. 4 guidesWarlock MasteryFully upgrade a Warlock Subclass. 3 guidesPacking HeatFully upgrade an Exotic weapon. 2 guidesFully WeaponizedFully upgrade a Legendary weapon. 1 guideBane of the MachinesKill 25 Vex with precision shots in 1 mission without dying. 3 guides Add-on The Taken King 506 250 10 4.2730,6945,915 (19%)40-50h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.The Taken KingComplete "The Taken King" quest. 1 guideNight CourtComplete "The Court of Oryx" quest. 1 guideHunger PangsComplete "The Old Hunger" quest. 2 guidesSecond WindComplete the "Echoes of Oryx" quest. 2 guidesStormcallerComplete "The Stormcaller's Path" quest. 1 guideSunbreakerComplete "The Sunbreakers' Challenge" quest. 1 guideNightstalkerComplete "The Nightstalker's Trail" quest. 1 guideStill Got Wolf ProblemsComplete "The Wolves of Mars" quest. 1 guideThe King is DeadComplete the King's Fall Raid. 2 guidesLong Live the KingComplete the King's Fall Raid (Heroic). 2 guides