Parry Hard: A celebration of gaming's most satisfying mechanicIs there anything in gaming more satisfying than nailing a perfect parry? Brushing away damage with a risky counter never gets old, and with a few games adding their own lately, we decided to look back at some of the best. Posted 2 years ago by Luke Albigés
Devil May Cry HD Collection ReviewNostalgia is a tricky thing and sometimes classic games are better left in the past. This collection sets out to prove that the DMC series is every bit as good as it ever was and in that goal it is a veritable success. Posted 7 years ago by Kevin Tavore
New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning March 12th, 2018The Beast Quest books are brought to life in digital form, or players can farm crops around the world, investigate the theft of a ruby again, revisit Paradise City, and relive the original adventures of Dante. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated Game Release for March 2018?March may be the first legitimately big month of the year for 2018 games releases. With Microsoft's newest IP, the latest Far Cry, and no fewer than three high profile remasters, things are about to get expensive for many of us. Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney
Capcom Releases Trailer For Devil May Cry HD CollectionA month ahead of Devil May Cry HD Collection's release, the party isn't ready to start on current generation consoles quite yet, but Capcom is getting players ready for the remaster with the release of a new trailer. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
Devil May Cry HD Collection Announced for Xbox OneAfter four years, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's time for a new DMC title. Well, you'd be right... sort of. It's not a brand new title, just an even more HD version of 2012's HD Collection. Posted 8 years ago by Rebecca Smith