4. DIRT 5 PlaygroundsUpdate notes

The newest mode in the franchise, Playgrounds is where you can take on the role of creator, allowing you to design, create, edit and race in your own custom racing arenas. You can create a time trial like the track in Gate Crasher, an obstacle course for Smash Attack, or a drifter's haven for Gymkhana. You can also download any listed playground from the Discovery panel and pit yourself against other users to set the best times and scores.

For this part of the walkthrough you can relax, take a breather and get ready to unlock two very quick achievements.

From the main menu, click "Playgrounds"

Once here, click on Create, then Cape Town Stadium, and then Gate Crasher as the event type and hit Create to start.

Now recreate the following steps:

  1. Hit cn_X to bring up the Object Browser
  2. Click on the first option: Start Gate
  3. Press cn_A to place the gate
  4. Press cn_B to cancel the selection
  5. Hit cn_X to bring up the Object Browser
  6. Click on the second option: Finish Gate
  7. Move away from the start gate and click cn_A to place the gate
  8. Press cn_B to cancel the selection
  9. Click cn_start to bring up the main Playgrounds Menu
  10. Click Test
  11. Drive through both gates to unlock:
Blank Slate

Built and tested your first Playground

Blank Slate

You can now exit the creation panel (you don't need to save), go back to the main Playgrounds section, and click Discover.

Now perform the following steps:

  1. Press cn_RB to search
  2. Click cn_A and type TA Critic
  3. Click cn_A again to confirm
  4. Click Search
  5. Click cn_A twice to play
  6. Hold cn_RT to clear the checkpoints
  7. Click cn_A to Continue
  8. Hold cn_A to rate as More of This

Once done, you will unlock:

Everyone's a Critic

Rated a Playground

Everyone's a Critic
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