5. DIRT 5 MiscellaneousUpdate notes

Miscellaneous Achievements

By now you should have the majority of the game's achievements - but there are still a few additional ones that we can quickly knock out.

Customise Player Card

First, go back to the game's main page and click Profile.

From here, click Player Card and you should see a list of available backgrounds for your player card. Click on the first of these that doesn't match your current one, Save, and the following achievement should pop:

Fast Cars and Fancy Cards

Customised and saved your player card

Fast Cars and Fancy Cards

Create a Livery

Now back out to the main menu again and click Garage.

Choose the first available car and click cn_A, then press right until you come to a + symbol and click cn_A again to enter the livery editor.

On the first screen, tick Pattern 1.

Next press cn_B and save your livery to unlock:


Saved your first customised livery


The following achievements should have come naturally whilst in Career, but if they haven't then we have three driving-based ones left to go.

Jump 50m

Load up the event Foci Di Giovo Stampede within Chapter 1 of the Career, and when you see the ramp coming up, floor it to comfortably jump over 50m, unlocking:

Long Jump

Jumped 50m in a single jump

Long Jump

100m Drift

Load up the East Mitten Sprint event in Chapter 1 - this is using a Sprint car, and it is almost impossible not to drift 100m with it. If you are having trouble, try to hug the right wall on the straight by feathering the throttle and counter steering, then ease the throttle in on the corner to glide around it, unlocking:

Gonna Need New Tyres

Performed a 100m drift

Gonna Need New Tyres

10 Clean Laps

Load up the East Mitten Sprint event in Chapter 5. This is a RallyX sprint on an oval circuit. Simply let the pack get ahead of you and take your time around the circuit. After 10 laps of not hitting anything, you will unlock:

Practice Makes Perfect

Completed 10 clean laps

Practice Makes Perfect

You should now only have a single achievement remaining, which will take a tiny bit of idle grinding to complete.

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