Welcome to UPROAR
This DLC brings an additional 25 career events, as well as a new Career game mode and a sweet 200G. It will take approximately 2 hours to complete, and is all pretty straightforward, with the exception of one event which may cause a few headaches (more on that as we get there).
If you are playing the DLC after already completing the base game, head to the Garage, scroll to Rally GT and purchase the Duke Coupe for 100000 credits. This car is a handful, but can be very fun to drive, and we will want to use it in as many events as possible to eliminate the grind for 30 miles at the end. You can use the Duke in the following seven events:
Event Name [Column, Row]
Ice Breaker, Gorakshep Run [3, 2]
Stampede, Merrill Butte [3, 5]
Gymkhana, Mesa Valley [4, 1]
Ultra Cross, Cape Town Stadium [4, 4]
Ultra Cross, Mermifera Valley [5, 1]
Ice Breaker, Chola Lake [6, 2]
Ultra Cross, Italy [7, 2]
From the Career Menu, click "Uproar". From here, we are going to cycle the events in the same way as we did on the main career, going down each column in turn. The difference here is that for the final achievement, we have to win every event for three medals.
Start in the top left and you will gain your first achievement after winning:
Keep going through the list until you hit the new event: Smash Attack 'Absolutely Smashing'. Oh boy, this event. I found this to be the hardest event yet throughout the game and it will likely take you quite a few tries. If you haven't visited playgrounds at all outside of the achievements, Smash Attack is essentially an obstacle arena with small objects that you have to drive through to unlock points.
You will need to get 4500 points in 1:40 for three medals. Each green brick you pass through gives you 100 tokens, and each blue star brick gives you 250. Personally, I found the Jimco Unlimited Truck to be the best car for this as it has enough speed but also enough turning circle to navigate the arena. You will need to play this event a few times and work out where the bricks are as you will need to collect around 90% of them to finish the level.
My personal strategy was to head left directly from the start and work clockwise around the top level of the arena. Once that is done, drop down the right-hand side of the ramp and continue counter-clockwise. There is a hidden blue star under the bridge and one that you will need to hit on an upper ledge before reversing out, so make sure you time these right. You'll want to keep your speed quite low so that you don't bounce too high of ramps and can weave a bit tighter around some of the obstacles.
The first time you finish this event, regardless of score, you will earn:
Continue on and you will also get a Gymkhana event (yay!). Don't worry though, this one can be cheesed again with no effort at all. From the start, head over the ramp, down the right and back around underneath the main arena. Here you will see a purple burnout pad. Stop on this pad and spin in circles. You will earn 1000 points every four seconds and should net the required 10k comfortably before the timer runs out.
The final three events of the DLC are our 'Main Events'. Winning the first of these will net you:
In My MirrorsGained first place in one of the Main Events of Uproar

...and once you have earned three medals in all 25 events, you will get:
Grinding the Duke Coupe
If you have used the Duke in all of the events I mentioned above, you should be sitting at around 85% of your 30 miles.
From the main menu, head to Arcade, then Free Play.
From here load up a race with the following settings:
Location: USA - Arizona
Track: East Mitten Sprint (or the reverse if your partial to turning right instead of left)
Class: Rally GT
Weather: Sunny
Laps: 10
Cars: 1
The reason we are only doing 10 laps at a time is because the tracker does not increase until you have finished the event, so we don't want to end up doing a massive amount of laps for no reason. Once you have finished all 10, which should take around two minutes, replay the event until the final achievement pops.
For reference, each lap equates to around 1% on the tracker, so you can estimate how many laps you need to do by following the tracker.
The DukeDrove 30 miles in the Duke Coupe

Congratulations! you have finished the UPROAR DLC!
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