Latest Intel Discovered News

Intel Discovered Delisted

Back in October 2012, an update to revealed that a new game by Wahoo Studios was heading to Xbox 360. That game was Intel Discovered, a Kinect-enabled, XBLA title that put you through severa

Posted 11 years ago by Michelle Balsan

XBLA Wednesday: October 17th, 2012 [UPDATE]

Edit: We have a surprise North America only release this week too: Intel Discovered Developer: Wahoo Studios Publisher: Microsoft Studios Price: FREE Do you have what it takes to be a superstar? Get

Posted 13 years ago by Mark Delaney

Microsoft Unearths Intel Discovered

Microsoft are becoming very adept at revealing games by creating pages for them over on The last game to be 'announced' in this way was a HD remake of Karateka. Knowing the game's history,

Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Latest Intel Discovered Screenshots

Intel Discovered Screenshot 1Intel Discovered Screenshot 2Intel Discovered Screenshot 3Intel Discovered Screenshot 4Intel Discovered Screenshot 5Intel Discovered Screenshot 6Intel Discovered Screenshot 7Intel Discovered Screenshot 8