Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (Windows) Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (Windows) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 30 Offline Mode 30 Single Player 5 Main Storyline 2 Story Completed 3 Collectable 3 Missable 1 Cumulative + 2 Shop 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply UncagedFree the assassin Daud Two TurnsTake both bank vault keys 1 guideTwin-bladed KnifeObtain an ancient weapon 1 guideGnosisRecover the stolen archive 1 guideDead EyeTouch the Eye of the Dead God 1 guideFinal ReleaseReturn the Outsider to the mortal world 1 guideDeicideKill the Outsider 1 guideGolden LocksSteal the audiograph from the gallery without disabling the safeguard floor 1 guideNightingaleUse Semblance to mimic Shan Yun and sing into the microphone 1 guidePublic ShamingDrop Ivan Jacobi through the trapdoor 1 guideBig-time PlayerWin the auction at Colibron Plaza 1 guideObsessive Safe-crackerOpen every safe inside the main vault 1 guideThe Perfect CrimeEmpty the vault without tampering with any security systems, leaving everyone unharmed and asleep 1 guideParty CrasherSend the vault crashing through the floor 1 guideThe Face of the AbbeyAttend the meeting as Brother Cardoza 1 guideVoicesBreak 4 Oraculum censers and listen to the prophecies 1 guideHarder than StoneDestroy an Envisioned cultist 1 guideFinal NudgePush an enemy to his demise using Void Strike 1 guideHookedSend someone flying 40 meters using Hook Mines Mightier than the SwordShoot a guard in the head with a fountain pen 1 guideClever PlanningUse Displace on a marker placed with Foresight and eliminate a target Salute!Have a guard salute you 1 guideRat WhispererListen to what swarms of rats have to say 5 times 1 guideShadowFinish the game without being detected 1 guideAgent of MercyFinish a mission without killing anyone Good Old TimesFinish the Original Game+ 1 guideSide EffectsMake 3 people vomit using a single bottle of Plagued Spirit 1 guideOccupational HazardMake an enemy explode into pieces using Displace Mercenary WorkComplete all contracts 1 guideArt AficionadoCollect all Eleuterio Cienfuegos paintings