Dishonored Definitive Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 80 Dishonored Definitive Edition achievements worth 1,640 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 80 Offline Mode 80 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 2 Difficulty Specific 5 Collectable 28 Missable 6 Cumulative + 3 Shop 3 Time/Date 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply ThiefPickpocket items worth a total of 200 coins 1 guideVersatileKill characters with each weapon and offensive gadget 2 guidesGhostComplete all missions after the prologue, alerting or killing no one but the key targets 2 guidesShadowComplete all missions after the prologue without alerting anyone 2 guidesMostly Flesh and SteelFinish the game without purchasing any supernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink 2 guidesWall of SparksKill an enemy using a Wall of Light 1 guideRogueAssassinate 10 unaware enemies 1 guideSpecterAfter escaping prison, complete a mission without alerting anyone, and kill less than 5 people 1 guideFacelessAfter escaping Coldridge Prison, complete a single mission without alerting anyone 1 guideManipulatorMake others kill 5 of their own allies 2 guidesRazor RainKill 5 characters with Drop Assassination 1 guideSurgicalPlay from the first mission through Kaldwin's Bridge killing fewer than 10 characters 1 guideClean HandsComplete the game without killing anyone 3 guidesHarm's WayCause 5 unintentional suicides 3 guidesInhabitantStay in possession of others for most of a 3 minute period 2 guidesHornets' NestKill 4 enemies in less than 1 second using the crossbow 3 guidesSpeed of DarknessTravel 30 meters in less than 1 second 1 guideTempestKill 6 enemies in less than 1 second 6 guidesMerchant of DisorderAcquire 15 equipment upgrades 1 guideArt DealerCollect all the Sokolov paintings 2 guidesOccultistCollect 10 bone charms 1 guideThe EscapistAfter Coldridge Prison, elude 5 pursuers at once without killing them or leaving the map 3 guidesCleanerFight with 5 enemies at once, without any of them surviving 1 guideDishonoredComplete the Intro missions 1 guideExcommunicationEliminate High Overseer Campbell 1 guideChild CareFind Emily Kaldwin 1 guideCapturing Genius and MadnessComplete the Bridge mission 1 guideRegicideAssassinate the Lord Regent, Hiram Burrows 3 guidesPolitical SuicideExpose the Lord Regent's crimes and bring about his arrest 1 guideThis Is MineRecover your belongings 1 guideResolutionComplete the game 1 guideBack HomeGrab a live grenade and use it to kill an attacker 3 guidesBig BoyKill a tallboy with only your sword 1 guideDunwall in ChaosACH_Dunwall in Chaos_HOWTO 2 guidesJust Dark EnoughACH_Just Dark Enough_HOWTO 3 guidesVanishedACH_Vanished_HOWTO 1 guideGentleman CallerACH_Gentleman Caller_HOWTO 1 guideStreet ConspiracyACH_Street Conspiracy_HOWTO 1 guideThe Art of the StealACH_The Art of the Steal_HOWTO 1 guideAn Unfortunate AccidentACH_An Unfortunate Accident_HOWTO 1 guideWell ManneredACH_Well Mannered_HOWTO 1 guideKing of the WorldACH_King of the World_HOWTO 1 guideBodyguardACH_Bodyguard_HOWTO 1 guideMercy is the MarkACH_Mercy is the Mark_HOWTO 2 guidesLights OutACH_Lights Out_HOWTO 2 guidesLong Live the EmpressACH_Long Live the Empress_HOWTO 1 guidePoetic JusticeACH_Poetic Justice_HOWTO 1 guideFood ChainACH_Food Chain_HOWTO 1 guideAlive Without BreathACH_Alive Without Breath_HOWTO 1 guideCreepy CrawlyACH_Creepy Crawly_HOWTO 1 guideMrs Pilsen's RemorseFind Emily's doll hidden in each of the 10 challenges 2 guidesLong Way DownPerform a drop assassination of at least 150 meters in the Kill Cascade challenge 2 guidesAssassin Vs. MachineComplete Train Runner before the train arrives at the station 2 guidesNatural TalentFinish Mystery Foe without using any active supernatural powers 1 guideBy My Hand AloneGet to Wave 13 in Back Alley Brawl killing all combatants personally 2 guidesDaredevilIn Bonfires, perform all the special combination jumps in 1 round 2 guidesHeadhunterComplete Assassin's Run with 100% accuracy using only head shots 2 guidesRare CollectorFind all of the collectable figurines in Burglar on Expert 1 guideTime ManagementFinish Chain Kill or Bend Time Massacre without failing any wave, including bonuses 2 guidesVoid StarComplete all Normal and Expert challenges with a 3-Stars rating 1 guideJust BusinessGet the information you need from the Rothwild Slaughterhouse 1 guideWell ConnectedPurchase all of the Favors in The Knife of Dunwall 1 guideNo RegretsComplete The Knife of Dunwall in High Chaos 1 guideRedemptive PathComplete The Knife of Dunwall in Low Chaos 1 guideWhisper WaysComplete The Knife of Dunwall without alerting anyone 1 guideCleaner HandsComplete The Knife of Dunwall without killing anyone 2 guidesRats and AshesAttach an arc mine to a rat, resulting in a kill 2 guidesMissing PiecesMeet with Thalia Timsh, the Barrister's Niece 1 guideStone Cold HeartSpeak with the statue of Delilah Copperspoon in Timsh's estate 1 guideMessage from the EmpressPerform a drop assassination from atop the Empress statue in The Knife of Dunwall 1 guideBreakoutBreak Lizzy Stride out of Coldridge Prison 1 guideGangs of DunwallRestore the Undine to working condition 1 guideDeal MakerPurchase at least 8 favors in The Brigmore Witches 1 guideAll Come To RuinComplete The Brigmore Witches in High Chaos 1 guideChanged WaysComplete The Brigmore Witches in Low Chaos 1 guideSilence is GoldenComplete The Brigmore Witches without alerting anyone 1 guideCleanest HandsComplete The Brigmore Witches without killing anyone 1 guideEnough Coin to DisappearSurvive The Brigmore Witches in low chaos with 10,000 coins 2 guidesParting ShotDeliver (or attempt) the killing blow on Corvo 1 guideWall of FleshUse an enemy lifted with Pull as a shield 1 guide