Duke Nukem Forever Achievements Full list of all 60 Duke Nukem Forever achievements worth 1,205 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements worth 205 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 60 Offline Mode 60 Single Player 13 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 6 Difficulty Specific 7 Stackable 6 Collectable 1 Missable 20 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,976 1,000 50 2.89106,5284,094 (4%)20-25h ExterminationKill 50 aliens 1 guideAnnihilationKill 100 aliens 1 guideNuclear DevastationKill 250 aliens 2 guidesHippy-StomperFoot stomp 12 aliens 4 guidesJudge, Jury, ExecutionerExecute 20 aliens 3 guidesTrapperKill 10 aliens with Trip Mines 4 guidesFreeze Well!Kill 15 frozen aliens 3 guidesRoad RageKill 15 aliens with the monster truck 2 guidesFork the PorkKill 6 aliens with the forklift 1 guideDead UsefulKill 10 aliens with environmental explosives 1 guideDowntown Barrel BeatdownKill 10 aliens with tossed objects 1 guideDuke Angry, Duke Smash!Kill 15 aliens with melee attacks while on steroids 2 guidesNomsEat 10 pieces of food during the SP campaign 5 guidesOn the NogginKill 30 aliens with headshots 4 guidesNatural Disaster 3xKill 3 aliens at once 5 guidesFBTGet knocked down 10 times 4 guidesTurd BurglarFind and steal a piece of poo 4 guidesI Need a TowelGet hit by 10 Pregnator bombs 2 guidesBaron von NukemShoot down 20 alien fighters 4 guidesI Need a DateLook at every page of a calendar in SP 1 guideSticky Bomb Like You!Put a Trip Mine on a live alien 4 guidesBig Guns, Big ShipsBlow up 5 enemy gunships or dropships 2 guidesAir-DukeWin air hockey with a score of 7-0 in the strip club 3 guidesBalls of SteelEarn a 1,000,000 pinball score in SP 2 guidesFlagon of ChucklesDrink a beer in SP 4 guidesJuicedTake steroids in SP 4 guidesHe's Got a Hologram!Use a Holoduke in SP 3 guidesDrawringsDoodle something on the whiteboard in SP 3 guidesSubstance AbuserDrink beer while on steroids or vice versa in SP 3 guidesI Am All That Is ManDiscover all Ego cap awards 2 guidesGunslingerCarry the gold pistol through the whole SP campaign 2 guidesPiece of CakeComplete the SP campaign on Easy Difficulty 1 guideLet's RockComplete the SP campaign on Normal Difficulty 1 guideCome Get SomeComplete the SP campaign on Hard Difficulty 1 guideDamn, I'm GoodComplete the SP campaign on Insane Difficulty 8 guidesSpecial ThanksWatch the credits all the way through 2 guidesBucket HeadFind all 3 helmets in the SP campaign 3 guidesCall WaitingListen to all phone messages 2 guidesParty AnimalDrink all of the beers in the strip club 3 guidesPescaphobeKill all the catfish in the underwater level 2 guidesSunday, Black SundayShoot down the blimp above the stadium 2 guidesNobody Likes a WhinerKnock out the talent at the talk show 2 guidesLots of WhackingWin a game of Alien Abortion in the strip club 2 guidesCompanion BarrelUnlock the secret closet at the end of the Forkstop 2 guidesOne-Eyed FreakDefeat the Cycloid 2 guidesPit ChampionDefeat the Battlelord in Las Vegas 1 guideNot Bad for a HumanDefeat the Alien Queen 3 guidesA Good Dam FightDefeat the Battlelord on the Hoover Dam 3 guidesOctacideDefeat the Octaking 2 guidesBeating the One-Eyed WormDefeat the Energy Leech 1 guide Add-on The Doctor Who Cloned Me 551 205 10 3.074,4272,051 (46%)5-6h Bubble BusterKill 10 expanded enemies with melee attacks 1 guideThreesomeKill 3 enemies within 3 seconds with the Impregnader 1 guideBloody Red RoverKill 30 enemies with the moon rover 2 guidesScientitsEarn a 1,000,000 pinball score on the Scientits pinball machine 1 guideHeart to HeartFinish Doctor Proton 1 guideAnother Piece of CakeBeat The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Easy Difficulty Let's Rock OutBeat The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Normal Difficulty Come Get A Little MoreBeat The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Hard Difficulty Damn, I'm REALLY GoodBeat The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Insane Difficulty 2 guidesI Am All That Is Man - Again!Discover all Ego cap rewards in The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign 2 guides