2. Dungeon Siege III General hints and tipsUpdate notes

Try not to sell any blue or gold items. If you run out of inventory space, you can transmute the cheapest stuff from your inventory to turn them into coins to make room for new items. It’s best to only transmute white items, as they’re not worth much anyway. If you run out of room and have no white items, get rid of the green stuff first. Don’t bother picking up anything that’s white from that point onwards. There is an achievement for selling 100,000 worth of gold in one go, so you’ll need a lot of quality equipment to get this.

Attack and roll. Get used to it. You’re going to need this a lot whenever you get swarmed (which is most of the time) and especially so on the harder difficulties. If you stand still, or try to attack too much, you will very probably die. So get an attack in and then roll out of the way to set yourself up for the next attack. If you get really swamped, many of the enemies have an aggro zone, so if you retreat from them enough you’ll hit a point where they turn around and run back to their original positions.

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When playing on the hardest difficulty, avoid the spider boss Palefang at all costs. She is incredibly difficult due to an attack that heals her, which she uses a lot. She’s part of a side quest, so we’ll be facing her on the first playthrough in order to complete everything and reach maximum level, but after that, she’s more hassle than she’s worth.

Throughout the game there will be many opportunities to earn Deeds. Deeds are permanent boosts to your attributes and I shall be pointing these out as we go along. They aren't needed for any achievements, but they can obviously help you survive.

Make sure to exhaust all conversation options wherever possible in order to maximise the chances you have to gain influence with your Party members and acquire their related Deeds.

Each character has three different stances (one of which is always block). You can switch between the two offensive stances using LB, which changes the special abilities available to you, and you can enter the block stance by holding LT which will enable you to use your defensive abilities.

In order to use special abilities, you'll need to pay attention to your Focus bar (the blue bar under your health bar) and your Power Orbs (these are the circles underneath your Focus bar). You gain Focus by attacking enemies, and Power by using your special abilities. Some abilities only require Focus, but defensive and empowered abilities will also require Power. Your abilities become empowered through use, so the more often you use them; the more likely they are to become empowered. To use an empowered version of your ability, hold RT when activating it.

Each character will have a defensive ability that regenerates health. Unlock this and level it up as soon as possible. You will be using it often and it's a good idea to activate it before taking on any large fight.

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