Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Achievements Here is the full list of all 56 Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 56 Offline Mode 56 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 10 Collectable 3 Missable 7 Cumulative + 4 Level 15 Shop 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Legendary HeroUnlock all achievements Last One to AppearRecruit all heroes as allies. 3 guidesHero’s VictoryClear the game and watch the ending. I Love Weapons!Upgrade all allies’ weapons to the highest level. 1 guideTown-Building HeroUnlock all development panels in the Drafting Studio. Hero Beyond Time and SpacePass all the trials at the Proving Grounds. 1 guideInvincible HeroRaise Nowa’s level to 99. 2 guidesMonument BuilderBuild a landmark. 1 guideHero of CommerceEarn 1 million baqua through trading. 1 guideA Place for Heroes to ReturnMax out the Headquarters level. 1 guideTreasure HunterOpen all treasure chests. 2 guidesThe Primal LensAdvance the story. 1 guideA Day in the Life of the WatchAdvance the story. Hometown on FireAdvance the story. Raising the Flag of ResistanceAdvance the story. Conquering the Proving GroundsAdvance the story. Successfully defended Hishahn.Advance the story. Valorous Shi’arcsAdvance the story. Bidding Father FarewellAdvance the story. I Will Reclaim This PlaceAdvance the story. Songs of Valor on the Great Sandy SeaAdvance the story. Sweet Taste of VictoryAdvance the story. Eve of the BattleAdvance the story. Trusted HeroUse “Auto” for 100 turns in battle. 1 guideHero Combo MasterActivate 20 different hero combos. 1 guidePolished PartnerMax out a weapon’s level. 1 guideHot Spring EnthusiastTrigger 40 different hot spring events. 3 guidesHero of DestructionDeal over 3,000 damage in a single turn to an enemy. 2 guidesKnow Thy Enemy, Know ThyselfComplete the Encyclopedia of Enemies. 1 guideExpert AppraiserAppraise items 10 times at the Appraiser’s Shop. 2 guidesTown Building BeginnerRaise the Headquarters level. The Hero Who Fished the WorldCatch all types of fish. 2 guidesThe Hero Whom the Runes Smile OnCollect all runes. 2 guidesI Like Runeshards!Collect all runeshards. 2 guidesGourmand HeroCook every kind of dish at the restaurant. 1 guideArt Is Explosive!Create 10 different kinds of objects in the workshop. 1 guideI Love Animals!Talk to animals 10 times. 1 guideEggfoot BreederBreed eggfoots 10 times. Eggfoot Race HeroWin all races. 1 guideWhirled PeaceDefeat all beigoma trainers. 1 guideBeigoma CollectorCollect all beigoma. 1 guideCard Game ChampDefeat all heroes at cards. 1 guideCard CollectorCollect all cards. 2 guidesValorous Finned HeroTake first place in all shi’arcraft race classes. 4 guidesSkilled in WarClear all mock battles. 1 guideEpic Success!Achieve “Epic Success” in all mission tasks. 1 guideA Distinguished TheaterReceive an ’S’ rating at the theater. 2 guidesA Big Bag and a Big SackMax out your stowpack and resource bag levels. 1 guideHonorable StatueConstruct a hero’s statue at the Headquarters. Hot Spring RevelryUse a hot spring item to bathe in the hot springs. 1 guideTake a Proper RestStay at inns 10 times. 1 guideBinge Shopping HeroSpend 1 million baqua. 1 guideAre You Working Hard?Go to check out allies on a mission. 2 guidesGuild FounderDispatch allies from the mission guild. 1 guideBond of HeroesAttack an enemy with a hero combo. 1 guideAce ForagerForage items 250 times. 1 guide