XBL Content Roundup: September 9th, 2014Xbox One Games Do you remember those two titles that have been available to pre-order for a few days? Well, both of them were released today, although you will have to wait for NHL until later in the Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith
XBL Content Roundup: July 1st, 2014As promised, Sniper Elite 3 came out today in North America for both the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The details can be found here. DLC without Achievements Today's showing more than makes up for last wee Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith
XBL Content Roundup: June 10th, 2014Xbox One Games Another ID@Xbox title hits the Games Store today. Unfortunately, like ID@Xbox stablemate Nutjitsu, this title is also not available outside of the United States. We'll let you know if Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Retail Releases: Week of June 9th, 2014There may be a lot of games being name-dropped and detailed over at E3 right now, but that doesn't mean that we get a deluge of titles that are actually being released this week. We go back in time t Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Enemy Front Launch TrailerIn preparation for its imminent release, Namco Bandai have unveiled the launch trailer for upcoming WWII shooter Enemy Front. The video includes some snippets of story and action, including lots of s Posted 11 years ago by Chewie
New Trailer for Enemy FrontNamcoBandai has released a new trailer of the upcoming WWII shooter Enemy Front, which focuses on the multi-player aspects of the game. Get a personal view of the first-person shooter in action as en Posted 11 years ago by Cindy Minguez
Enemy Front Story TrailerGamers longing to return to the battlefields of World War II will have the chance to do so when Enemy Front hits stores early next month. In recent months we have seen a selection of trailers that sh Posted 11 years ago by Lexley Ford
Enemy Front Gameplay Trailer Is StealthyGame developer City Interactive is going back in the day with some old-school military action for their upcoming release, Enemy Front. Weapons, uniforms, gadgets, vehicles, and much more will all be Posted 11 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
New Enemy Front Gameplay TrailerWW2 shooter Enemy Front, a game that has fallen off the gaming radar a couple of times within the last two years, is only a couple of months away from release and City Interactive has released some n Posted 11 years ago by Zinn Gravey
Enemy Front Limited Edition AnnouncedAs limited editions and pre-order exclusives for games are more common than rain in England, it's no wonder that Enemy Front has jumped on the bandwagon and received the treatment as well. This is sl Posted 11 years ago by Marc Hollinshead