Every Street United Walkthrough

Written by Itzz Sh0wt1m3 Published March 25th 2015
0 - 1 hours 1 Playthrough 10 10 Discontinued
Every Street United Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
0 to 1 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
10 of 10 are Discontinued
Games included
Gamers Involved
Itzz Sh0wt1m3
Itzz Sh0wt1m3 (Owner)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Every Street United - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Hello, and welcome to the Every Street United walkthrough.
This app follows Thierry Henry (France) and Edgar Davids (Netherlands), two retired legendary football/soccer players, in their search for the best street soccer player.
The app is easily completed in about 30 minutes to an hour. There are 4 activities that you will need to do to unlock all achievements:
- Watching episodes
- Viewing player's videos
- Completing fan votings
- Completing scene searches (only activity that requires a little skill and effort, but it is no big deal)
In this walkthrough, I will focus on explaining and helping you unlock all achievements in the least amount of time.
Note: Start with the activity "watching episodes" first, because you have to do so in order to unlock the other activities. After that you're free to do the other activities in the order of your choice.


Every Street United - Story walkthrough

Watching Episodes (10-15 minutes)
There are 8 episodes which you have to watch. Like a lot of apps that feature videos, fast forwarding the videos will count as watched. This will prevent you from enjoying the episodes, but it saves you a couple of hours of your time. To fast forward an episode simply start the episode and use the cn_RT. After you've fast forwarded the video, it often takes a couple of seconds for the episode to count as "watched". Therefore, I prefer having the "Achievements App" snapped while fast forwarding videos. (to see when the video has counted towards the achievement, meaning I can back out and start with the next one) Once, it occurred to me that an episode I fast forwarded didn't count. If this happens simply fast forward this episode again.
For those of you, who don't know how to snap the "Achievements App": double press cn_guide, select "Snap an App", select "Achievements". This should automatically load the list of achievement for "Every Street United". After that double press cn_guide again, and select "Every Street United" to continue with your game.
Fast forwarding or watching all 8 episodes will unlock you 4 achievements.
After your first episode:

From the Streets

Watched your first episode of Every Street United

From the Streets

After your fourth episode:

Half Time

Watched 4 episodes of Every Street United

Half Time

And after the last (eighth) episode
To the World

Tuned in for the final episode of Every Street United

To the World


Watched all 8 episodes of Every Street United


Viewing player's videos (10-15 minutes)
Like 8 episodes, there's also 8 players, each with an own video in which they're featured. You also have to watch or fast forward these. There's also 2 additional video's that feature both Edgar Davids and Thierry Henry.
After your first video you will unlock:

Viewed a player video in the Players Channel


After your last (10th) video you will unlock:
Talent Scout

Viewed all player videos in the Players Channel

Talent Scout

Completing fan votings (1-5 minutes)
Start by placing yourself on the map. Select "On The Map" and select your location.
You are here

Completed the first Fan Voting activity by putting yourself on the map

You are here

Every episode is linked to a fan voting. You can vote on a decision made in the episode. After watching an episode, the fan voting for that episode becomes available. Assuming you've watched or fast forwarded all episodes, you're now also able to vote on all 8 episodes. Simply vote for one of the two choices on all 8 episodes. This shouldn't take more than a minute.
Voice of the Street

Completed all Fan Voting Activities

Voice of the Street

Completing scene searches (5-15 minutes)
The last activity you need to complete, is completing 8 scene searches. Each Scene Search unlocks after watching the linked episode. Scene searching is basically finding all 5 items/objects that are listed underneath the screen for each episode. I've made pictures for each scene searches with it's locations highlighted.
Unlocks after your first scene search:
Location Scout

Completed a Scene Search

Location Scout

And this unlocks after your last scene search:
Global Icon

Completed all 8 Scene Searches

Global Icon

Note: This activity can be completed with either a kinect sensor or a controller. I preferred to complete it with a controller, since it is faster to move the cursor around.
Episode 1
ESU scene search 1

Episode 2

Episode 3
Image 1

Episode 4
Image 1

Episode 5
Image 1

Episode 6
Image 1

Episode 7
Image 1

Episode 8
Image 1

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