Everyparty (HK/KR/TW) Achievements Here is the full list of all 46 Everyparty (HK/KR/TW) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 8 Online Mode 18 Offline Mode 20 Online/Offline 32 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 7 Difficulty Specific 20 Cumulative + 4 Shop 27 Versus 9 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Miracle City MayorStory Board: Complete the story once. 1 guideMany MemoriesStory Board: Complete the story 3 times. Story-Telling MasterStory Board: Complete all maps in Story Board. Normal BattlerParty Mode: Play 5 Normal battles with 2+ players. 1 guideParty Until Grandkids ComeParty Mode: Play 10 Normal battles with 2+ players. 1 guidePoint BattlerParty Mode: Play 5 Point battles with 2+ players. 1 guideParty Until Great-Grandkids ComeParty Mode: Play 10 Point battles with 2+ players. 1 guideMini-GamerParty Mode: Play 25 mini-games with 2+ players (including all 3 types). 1 guideMini-Game MarathonParty Mode: Play 50 mini-games with 2+ players (including all 3 types). 1 guideRichest Player Award SpecialistParty Mode: Win the Richest Player Award 3 times. Bully Award SpecialistParty Mode: Win the Bully Award 3 times. 1 guideMini-Game Skill Award SpecialistParty Mode: Win the Mini-Game Skill Award 3 times. Try Hard Award SpecialistParty Mode: Win the Nice Effort Award 3 times. Ultimate BattlerParty Mode: Win against 3 of the strongest A.I. players. Serious GamerPractice Board: Complete 1 practice game. 1 guideMini-Game Showdown Master 3Mini-Game Showdown: Win 3 times in a 3-game tournament with 3 of the strongest A.I. players. Mini-Game Showdown Master 5Mini-Game Showdown: Win 3 times in 5-game tournament with 3 of the strongest A.I. players. 1 guideMini-Game Showdown Master 7Mini-Game Showdown: Win 3 times in 7-game tournament with 3 of the strongest A.I. players. 1 guideMini-Game Showdown Master 10Mini-Game Showdown: Win 3 times in 10-game tournament with 3 of the strongest A.I. players. 1 guideMedal LoverAll Modes: Collect 100 medals. 1 guideMedal KingAll Modes: Collect 500 medals. 1 guideItem LoverAll Modes: Collect 10 items. 1 guideItem CollectorAll Modes: Collect 100 items. 2 guidesController KingAll Modes: Play Party mode with 4 controllers. 1 guideEveryparty ManiacAll Modes: Load 1 saved content file 10 times. Lavish Medal SpenderAll Modes: Spend 50 medals. 1 guideSignboard CollectorAll Modes: Collect all signs. Super GoalAll Modes: Finish a match with the Dream Wheel. Bully BuddyAll Modes: Place all bullies. 1 guideWheel Card Ph.D.All Modes: Use every wheel card. 2 guidesCharacter Ph.D.My Room: Collect and read every page of Character Encyclopedia in one sitting. 1 guideTown News Ph.D.My Room: Collect and read every page of the Town News in one sitting. Honorary Ph.D.My Room: Collect and read every certificate page in one sitting. 1 guideMap Ph.D.My Room: Read every page of the Record Book in one sitting after covering every map. 1 guideBeautiful MemoriesMy Room: View all Story Board Memories in one sitting. I Done Made a Character!My Room: Make My Character. 1 guideWhat's Yours is MineMy Room: Complete the items gained from producing My Character. 1 guideShopaholicMy Room: Shop at the item shop 30 times. 1 guidePublic Hall StaffPublic Hall: Win 5 matches. Public Hall DirectorPublic Hall: Win 10 matches. Public Hall ChallengePublic Hall: Achieve 2 consecutive victories. 1 guidePublic Hall TrialPublic Hall: Achieve 3 consecutive victories. 1 guideFriendly FacePublic Hall: Create and win 5 games in your own room. 1 guideRegular CustomerPublic Hall: Create and win 10 games in your own room. 1 guideHall of FamerPublic Hall: Get listed in all Hall of Fame categories. 1 guideGood SportPublic Hall: Do not boo during a match. 1 guide