F1 22 Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 F1 22 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 1 Offline Mode 12 Online Mode 36 Online/Offline 42 Single Player 22 Cooperative 26 Versus 2 Community 11 Cumulative + 1 Level 3 Shop 1 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Always ImprovingComplete 250 successful overtakes in any game mode 1 guideWeekly WarriorParticipate in any Featured, Weekly or Esports Event 1 guideSpotlight On MeHave your car be the focus during a Broadcast Safety Car 1 guideSlotting InSlot into the grid starting box 10 times 1 guideFerrari FanWin a race at Monza with a Ferrari Engine in My Team 1 guideRed Bull RacerWin a race at Austria with a Red Bull Engine in My Team 1 guideRenault RacerWin a race at France with a Renault Engine in My Team 1 guideMercedes MasterWin a race with a Mercedes Engine in My Team 1 guideClassic PhotographerTake a photo using Photomode at Silverstone, Spa, Monza & Monaco 1 guideJust Popping InVisit another player's F1 Life area 2 guidesProud ownerDisplay a trophy in your F1 Life trophy cabinet 1 guideFeels Like HomeChange the appearance of your F1 Life area 2 guidesGetting The Hang Of ItDrive 25 laps in a supercar in any game mode 2 guidesGold All AroundEarn a gold medal in each type of Pirelli Hot Lap 3 guidesDriftyDrift for a total of 3 minutes in the Drift Pirelli Hot Lap 1 guideLookin' GoodChange a piece of your Casual attire 3 guidesLookin' StylishChange the Paint Finish on all layers of a livery 2 guidesPit PerfectionPerform 25 perfect pitstops 2 guidesEquipped With The BestUpgrade Pit Crew Equipment to the max level in My Team 1 guideCrisis ManagementComplete 25 Department Events in My Team 1 guideExecutive DecisionAgree to and complete an Ask The Driver Department Event 3 guidesBetter TogetherComplete your first race weekend in Two Player Career 1 guideFighting for 1stEarn 1st and 2nd place in a single race as players in Two Player Career 1 guideAll Around The WorldComplete a clean lap at all tracks in Time Trial 1 guideSpeed DemonReach 300kph / 186.4mph at 10 different tracks 1 guidePure PowerAchieve first in the speed trap in 5 practice sessions 2 guidesBack OnlineRe-open a facility that has been shutdown for more than 7 days in My Team 1 guideYou Know Our NameReach a Team Acclaim level of 20 in My Team mode 1 guideAll RounderDevelop a component in every R&D Department 1 guideGet It DoneComplete a practice session using Quick Practice 1 guideOn TopAchieve pole position after any qualifying session 1 guideA Good DayGet on the podium 2 guidesA Great DayWin your first race 2 guidesUltimate PrizeWin the F1 Drivers' Championship 1 guideMakes The Dream WorkWin the F1 Constructors' Championship 2 guidesI Want It AllSet the fastest time in all 3 practice sessions, take pole position and win the Grand Prix 1 guideBeating Them AllFinish 1st in a Ranked & Unranked multiplayer race 2 guidesThe StartFinish 10 races in online multiplayer 1 guideThe GrindFinish 50 races in online multiplayer 1 guideThe VeteranFinish 100 races in online multiplayer 2 guidesRacing CliqueComplete a League race 2 guidesWatchful EyeSpectate an online race 1 guideReplay That!Save a captured highlight in Theatre Mode 1 guideF2 FlyerComplete an F2 Grand Prix with a Sprint and Feature Race at 25% or greater race distance 2 guidesIt Only Goes Skin DeepWin a 25% race in wet conditions 2 guidesTunnel VisionSuccessfully complete 15 upgrades in a single R&D department 1 guideSupercar SuperstarFill all 6 bays in F1 Life with unlocked supercars 1 guideBoostedBoost your 2nd driver's stats 10 times using Team Activities 1 guideAnnihilationWhile in 1st place, lap the driver in 2nd place in any game mode 3 guidesScorcherComplete a race at F1's hottest tracks (Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Brazil) in Clear weather 1 guide