FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 (Windows) Achievements

Here is the full list of all 31 FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 (Windows) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.

  • Future Espier

    Visited the place where clues to the future lie waiting to be discovered.

  • Past Gazer

    Visited the place where the saviors of the past dream in crystal.

  • Threat Facer

    Acknowledged the threat facing the world, and decided to fight back.

  • Sooth Seeker

    Prepared to face a test of your determination in the rift where hidden truths slumber.

  • Promise Keeper

    Turned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind.

  • Trigger Finger

    Obtained five Cinematic Bonus rewards.

  • Anomalous

    Witnessed every possible Paradox Ending.

  • Epic Finisher

    Followed the story to its conclusion.

  • Obsidian Medal

    Defeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution.

  • Staggering

    Staggered a significant number of enemies.

  • Quick Draw

    Performed a significant number of preemptive strikes.

  • Wild Thing

    Successfully used Feral Link abilities a significant number of times.

  • No Retreat

    Fought a significant number of battles without using the \Retry\" option."

  • Strategist

    Performed a multitude of paradigm shifts.

  • Budding Hunter

    Defeated an army's worth of enemies.

  • Supreme Being

    Fully developed all abilities.

  • How many achievements are there in FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 ?
    There are 31 achievements in FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 , worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore.
    You can view the full list of FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 achievements here.
  • Is FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 on Game Pass?
    No, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 is not currently available on either Xbox Game Pass or PC Game Pass.
  • When did FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 release on Windows?
    FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 was released on December 2nd, 2021.
  • How long does it take to complete all the achievements in FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 ?
    It takes between 40 and 50 hours to complete the achievements in FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 .