Listen to the Inner Voice in New Fade to Silence TrailerAbout a month ago, THQ Nordic teased that they were going to show more of their mysterious upcoming game Fade to Silence. Now, at Gamescom, the game has received a trailer that shows off some gameplay elements. Posted 7 years ago by Ethan Anderson
THQ Nordic Tease What They're Bringing To This Year's GamescomAfter skipping this year's E3 to take in the World Cup, THQ Nordic are preparing fans for a big Gamescom with a video teasing some -- but not all! -- of the games they'll be bringing to Germany next month. Posted 7 years ago by Andy Mills
Some Freezing New Fade to Silence Screens EmergeA set of new screens has been unveiled for upcoming post-apocalyptic survival title Fade to Silence. They really show off some of the frozen wasteland and creepy creatures players will encounter in the game. Posted 7 years ago by Chewie
Cool Down With Five Minutes of Chilly Fade to Silence GameplayA couple of weeks ago, we first heard about a new post-apocalyptic survival game, Fade to Silence, which will see players trying to survive in a frozen wasteland. We're now being treated to five minutes of gameplay from the title. Posted 8 years ago by Chewie
Fade To Silence Announced for Xbox OneIt's a post-apocalyptic survival adventure set in a frozen wasteland. You'll need to find and establish a home base and fill it with trusted followers, then you'll use those followers to take out eldritch monsters. Posted 8 years ago by Kevin Tavore