Quick explanation of the controls
- Talk/search/examine/etc
- Cancel
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Fly up
- Fly down
- Menu
- Inventory/skills/map/etc
Combat is turn based. You start with 1 action point, and each attack and spell costs 1 action point. You'll eventually get 2 and then 3 action points, which means you can use basic attacks and the weakest spells 2 or 3 times in one turn. You'll also eventually get stronger attacks that take 2 or 3 action points. Under the "objects" menu in battle you can use potions, though you'll very rarely need to use them. Combat overall is very easy. As for leveling up, here's the stuff I used in the video.
Feline Grace
Meteor Storm
Healing Wave
I'd max Fireball/Inferno/Meteor Storm/Power when you can (level requirements and all that) and then get 1 point in Feline Grace and Concentration, then max Healing Wave and do whatever from there. Like I said though, the combat is pretty easy. You can choose other stuff if you want, or level stuff up in a different order. I'd say you should get Healing Wave regardless though, at level 3 it even clears status ailments. For the bosses this is great.
You can get a bunch of equipment, and you need 60 pieces for an achievement, which we will get near the end of the game. Each piece of equipment has an element attached to it, from iron to fire to water. The element represents what the equipment gives a special boost to, and having the complete set doubles it (i.e. having every fire piece makes your fire spells stronger).
You'll notice a green bar by them, this is how powerful it is. So, the weapon with a full green bar is the strongest for physical damage. Mostly just pay attention to the green bar, as most sets can't be finished until late in the game when they don't really matter as much anyway, and as mentioned previously combat isn't all that hard so it's not really worth it to hunt every little piece of equipment down.
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