A Blast from the past
by cupcakegod
Achievements not unlocking
Achievement Progress Stopped???
by Dillinium
Full List of Free Xbox One Games
by DaveKinetic
Can't Sync to the Cloud
by GriZzly GRiP
How to sync to unlock achievements
by ClockMeAnOpp
What the luck?! 20 achievements that can be an RNG nightmare
by BadRubberPiggy
Importing with mobile vaults
by magmashark20
New FREEdom Rewards for a Limited Time on Free to Play Games
by Chob
Vaults Won't Load
by MathNotEvenOnce
X2 objective animal achievement progression.
by TheKillerTheme
Just got my 20th legend tonight!!!
You can transfer saves from the desktop version to the play anywhere
Save sync problem?
by Brenin Watson
Blast From The Past tracking achiev problem (Collect 20 Legendary Dwellers)
by ox BlackJack xo
The Most Played Games on TrueAchievements in 2017 - Part Two
The TrueAchievements Game of the Year 2017
Legendary dweller quests?
by Ostrowidzki1989
Fallout Shelter Celebrates 100 Million Users With Giveaway
by MegsonGrove
Update (1.45gb)
by Cyprowski
Repairing Mr. Handy?
by DrSchlepenstein
New Guide: 20 Legendary Dwellers
by Achieve all day
Microsoft Teases Ultimate Game Sale
by WillCBlogs
Latest patch notes
by Jblacq
Am I the only one who's already given up on this?
by havocofsmeg
Post Completion use of theme workshop
by FFX Brotherhood
Cleared recently played list?
Quest - Sparkling Boxes ect...
by RowlSki92
Games like Fallout Shelter
Collect.... under... minutes objective glitch
Update 1.11
by Christian Doe
Raiders stopped attacking
by gearsofwarfan24
Legendary Dwellers?
Do legendry dwellers stack across vaults?
by DeviSlator
Caps Collected not upating?
by GRECO827
No saved game.
by Pra1s3Th3Sun
Guide to Project Ubermenschen - how to get the best dwellers possible?
by Mikasz
Decorator achievement stuck on 75%
by Obi wan Xbox
Win 10 controls (touch)
by Musquito
In game purchasing
by Arador
Some ideas for making this game a way better
by MrJenkins91
So, I did all the quests :(
by DivineWind72
Dwellers exploring wasteland
by MOFOwhosinchrge
How Can I check achievement progress in Win10
by Kanchanaburi
Questions about Gameplay
by I Argonaut I
Quests not working
Save data not appearing
Multiple vaults at same time
by BlackxRyan