Far Cry New Dawn Achievements Full list of all 50 Far Cry New Dawn achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 1 Online Mode 49 Online/Offline 49 Single Player 50 Cooperative 35 Host Only 10 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Collectable 1 Missable 8 Cumulative + 2 Level 1 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Meaning of ProsperityHelp Carmina get back to her mother in Prosperity. Host only. 1 guideProsperingUpgrade and secure Prosperity. Host only. 1 guideReturn to EdenBring the Father back to New Eden. Host only. 1 guideProblem SolverSolve the biggest problem in Hope County by defeating the Twins. Host only. 1 guideThe End of EdenDecide the fate of the Father. Host only. 1 guideA Graceful ReturnRecover Grace's prototype gun and welcome her back to Prosperity for good. Host only. 1 guideComing Up With the GoodsReturn Selene's valuable stash. Host only. 1 guideWiki-Bean-ia in BusinessHelp Bean get back his business plan so he can set up his intel network in Prosperity. Host only. 1 guideThe RyeunionReunite Nick Rye with Carmina and Kim. Host only. 1 guideExpeditious RetreatComplete your first Expedition to force the Highwaymen out of a stronghold. 2 guidesHonorary ScoutGather intel 10 times by talking to Wiki-Bean-ia scouts. Host only. 3 guidesYoinkLoot a Highwaymen Supply Drop. Be careful, it won't be unguarded! 2 guidesForagerGather 15 plants growing in Hope County. It's the closest thing to a pharmacy we have nowadays. 3 guidesReduce, Reuse, RecycleScavenge an Outpost. You can always reclaim it. Host only. 1 guideHome is Where the Part IsUpgrade Prosperity's infrastructure for the first time by investing in the right parts. Host only. 1 guideSidecar SidekickDrive with Timber for a total of 5 minutes. Just don't take him to the vet. 2 guidesWhite GoldCommandeer an Ethanol tanker and bring it back to one of your outposts. 1 guideFinders KeepersComplete 3 Treasure Hunt missions. Host only. 1 guideSafekeepingPicklock 5 safes. With no more banks, it's the closest thing you'll get to experiencing a heist. 2 guidesClosed for ApplicationsRecruit all Guns For Hire. Host only. 1 guideHow's it Look, Doc?Craft 10 Medkits. They'll definitely come in handy. 1 guideKill or Be KilledKill a Monstrous animal. It'd do the same to you given half the chance. 2 guidesPaladin’s SecretFind Sam Fisher’s outfit in the Government Plane Wreck expedition 5 guidesBeforeFind all the Dear Photograph locations and see Hope County as it used to be. Host only. 1 guideAudiophileRediscover some sweet tunes for the new world. Find all hidden MP3 players. Host only. 2 guidesMy Little FortressMake Prosperity better than ever! Build all Infrastructure upgrades available. Host only. 1 guideMaster SkinnerCollect at least one skin from every type of animal in Hope County. Not creepy at all. 1 guideHit the RoadComplete 7 unique Expeditions on the Rank III difficulty. 2 guidesPure NinjaLiberate a Rank III Outpost while staying undetected. 4 guidesAll Your BasesLiberate all Outposts at least once on Rank III. 3 guidesWeaponsmithCraft 3 weapons. They don't need to look good, they just need to get the job done! 1 guideYou're a CatchSuccessfully catch one of every type of fish in Hope County. Get those omega-3s. 1 guideSave Your BaconRecruit Horatio. Don't mind his temper, he can be pig-headed sometimes. Host only. 1 guidePoof!Use 3 smoke grenades. 1 guideIt's Super Effective!Headshot an Enforcer with Piercing Ammo. 1 guideHave Buddy, Will TravelComplete 3 Expeditions with a co-op partner. 1 guideBring a Knife to a Gun FightKill 25 enemies using any type of takedown. Put that railroad spike to good use! 1 guideCaptain's CourageousKill your first Enforcer. I'm sure this will send the Highwaymen a good message. 1 guideGood Job, CapKill 5 enemies by throwing a shield at them. 2 guidesStack 'em UpPurchase the 5th tier of a stackable perk. You can never have enough. 2 guidesFly, You Fools!No wings means less drag, right? Take a short flight in the wingless plane. 3 guidesBuzzkillKill 10 brawlers with any saw launcher. They never saw it coming. 2 guidesLegend Has ItCraft your first Legendary Weapon or Vehicle and start a legend of your own. 1 guideTip o' the HatKnock an enemy's helmet off with a charged melee attack. 3 guidesAnger ManagementEliminate 10 enemies within a single activation of Wrath. 8 guidesHey Father, Watch ThisPerform an Aerial Takedown after using Leap of Faith. 2 guidesPerk-olateUnlock the first level for all Perks. 1 guideArchery ExpertKill an enemy more than 100m away with a basic arrow. 2 guidesGet to the PointFinish off an Enforcer with a bayonet. 3 guidesSpringboardSurvive a 30m fall using only Leap of Faith to nullify the impact. 8 guides