Fighters Uncaged Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Fighters Uncaged achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 40 Cumulative + 50 External Content Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Once upon a time…Perform a combo 1 guideThe SandmanKO your opponent while he's groggy 1 guideIt's a long way downKnock an opponent to the ground 1 guideSuper strike expertPerform all super strikes 2 guidesThe killer shoutUse a super strike 1 guideRelentlessBeat your own record 3 times against the same opponent 1 guideBronze legendWin 10 fights Combo expertPerform all combos 2 guidesHumiliationFinish off the fight with a combo 1 guideSilver legendWin 30 fights 1 guideYoung hopefulWin League 3 1 guideI don't like skinny guysBeat lightweight opponents 30 times 1 guideI don't like big guysBeat heavyweight opponents 30 times 1 guideI don't like medium guysBeat mid-weight opponents 30 times 1 guideThat's an eyeful!Blind an opponent 20 times 4 guidesUnder the WireWin a round with less than 10% of your life remaining 1 guideRising starWin League 2 1 guideBack to the sandboxWin 20 fights against Ratface 1 guideYour tricycle's waitingWin 20 fights against Rider 1 guideGet lostWin 20 fights against Mover 1 guideReap the whirlwindWin 20 fights against Jawbreaker 1 guideAdios amigoWin 20 fights against El Luchador 1 guideForsaken by the godsWin 20 fights against Kawharu 1 guideTail between your legsWin 20 fights against Jackal 1 guideSaturday night fighterWin 20 fights against Deadlock 1 guideTarred and featheredWin 20 fights against Piston Joe 1 guideFallen angelWin 20 fights against Angel Face 1 guideThe chips are downWin 20 fights against Gambler 1 guideHang up your glovesWin 20 fights against One Jab 1 guideCombo masterPerform 50 combos 1 guideSuper strike masterPerform 50 super strikes 1 guideSpeed championWin 20 fights within two rounds 1 guideSpeed expertWin 40 fights within two rounds 1 guideGold legendWin 100 fights Platinum legendWin 150 fights 1 guideKing of the worldWin League 1 2 guidesSpeed masterWin 80 fights within two rounds 1 guideRatface's nightmareWin 20 fights against Ratface in the open league 1 guideRider's nightmareWin 20 fights against Rider in the open league 1 guideMover's nightmareWin 20 fights against Mover in the open league 1 guideJawbreaker's nightmareWin 20 fights against Jawbreaker in the open league 1 guideEl Luchador's nightmareWin 20 fights against El Luchador in the open league 1 guideKawharu's nightmareWin 20 fights against Kawharu in the open league 1 guideJackal's nightmareWin 20 fights against The Jackal in the open league 1 guideDeadlock's nightmareWin 20 fights against Deadlock in the open league 2 guidesPiston Joe's nightmareWin 20 fights against Piston Joe in the open league 1 guideAngel Face's nightmareWin 20 fights against Angel Face in the open league 1 guideGambler's nightmareWin 20 fights against Gambler in the open league 1 guideOne Jab's nightmareWin 20 fights against One Jab in the open league 1 guideEveryone's nightmareDefeat all opponents 20 times each 2 guides