For The King (Windows) Achievements Here is the full list of all 72 For The King (Windows) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply ProgressDefeat the Cultist Camp FuhgeddabouditClear the Forgotten Cellar Undead killerDefeat the Lich's Crypt Mind over matterDefeat the Mind Bender No sweatClear both Demon Caves Easy peasyDefeat Vexor on Apprentice Hero of FahrulDefeat Vexor on Journeyman Legend of FahrulDefeat Vexor on Master All that glittersPurge the Glittering Mines Amazing!Solve the King's Maze The Mummy's CursePurge the Buried Temple Pearl diverClear 5 Sea Caves in 1 game Drain the swampClear the Flooded Crypt Prison breakEscape the Mage Dungeon It's getting hot in hereSurvive the Lava Dungeon Order from ChaosDefeat the Chaos Beast Such a pity...First party wipe Field medicRevive a party member Critical failBreak a weapon Side businessComplete 50 Side Quests ScroogeHave 1500 Gold MiserHave 5000 Gold End of the rainbowDefeat Lucky Paying the tollDefeat the Bandit King Not so funny anymoreDefeat the Royal Droll Instant karmaDefeat the Hangman Protector of the GodsDefeat the Foul Priestess He's on fire!Defeat Coal Heart Your time is upDefeat the Old One Honor the deadHonor 15 Stone Heros Lest we forgetHonor 50 Stone Heros Sushi chefKill the Kraken Not this timeKill a thief attempting to flee So many bonesSmash 150 Skellys Rock n' rollTopple 15 Crag Monsters Would you like a receipt with that?Unlock 20 items from the Lore Store All sales are finalUnlock 40 items from the Lore Store What a view!Reach the top of Harazuel Dragon SlayerSlay the dragon at the top of Frostbite Peak Till death do us partDefeat the Yeti, free her "prisoner" Ice and FireUnlock the armory Sally forth!Break a sieged town Thumpity thump thumpKill 5 Snowmen The morning afterHelp Hildebrant retrace his steps Rock and a hard placeDefeat Deimos Clear skies aheadDefeat Disciple Put that in your pipeUse 100 herbs Sweet toothUse 10 candies That's DeepReach the bottom of Hildebrant's Cellar Double DeepReach the Inferno Wet 'N WildPurge all 4 Water Temples Land Ho!Defeat the Sea King BoomshakalakaKill 10 enemies with Firearms Swan SongDefeat the Songstress Lost and FoundFind Captain Greenbeard's Ship Gold DiggerWin a game of Gold Rush Penny saverHave 300 Gold Chosen oneKill 1000 Enemies Do you ever feel bad?Murder 30 Hags Tri-TriclopsDefeat 3 Triclops Up up and awayFly in the Air Balloon SpelunkerClear a Cave Payment pleaseComplete 1 Side Quest Pay tributeHonor 3 Stone Heros Pick on someone your own sizeCrush 25 Imps Secret shopperUnlock 1 item from the Lore Store BeastmasterDefeat 100 Beastmen I hate mimicsDefeat 10 Mimics Just The TipEnter Hildebrant's Cellar X Marks the SpotFind Bradach's Cabin Something's FishyKill 30 Fishfolk Boom goes the dynamite.Get killed by a suicidal enemy