Fracture Achievements Full list of all 50 Fracture achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 21 Offline Mode 12 Online Mode 17 Online/Offline 38 Single Player 29 Versus 12 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Difficulty Specific 6 Stackable 3 Collectable 28 Cumulative + 1 Time Consuming 9 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Complete Act 1Complete Act 1. 1 guideComplete Act 2Complete Act 2. 1 guideComplete Act 3Complete Act 3. 1 guideComplete Act 1 on HardcoreComplete Act 1 on Hardcore. 1 guideComplete Act 2 on HardcoreComplete Act 2 on Hardcore. 2 guidesComplete Act 3 on HardcoreComplete Act 3 on Hardcore. 3 guidesComplete the TutorialComplete the Tutorial. 1 guideVon HelsingCrush an enemy to death with a spike. 5 guidesOpen SesameSuccessfully open a physics or hinged gate for the first time in single player. 2 guidesZapp!Successfully block (or unblock) an energy beam for the first time in single player. 2 guidesClap On/Clap OffSuccessfully used a TD switch for the first time in single player. 1 guideCombat EngineerSuccessfully raise/lower a bridge for the first time in single player. 1 guideHan Shoots FirstKill an enemy by using TD and forcing them into the beam in single player. 3 guidesUse the Force … FieldKill someone by forcing them into a shield. 4 guidesCollect a Data CellCollect a data cell. 2 guidesCollect 35 Data CellsCollect 35 data cells. 1 guideCollect all 100 Data CellsCollect all 100 data cells. 3 guidesDeathrace 2161Cumulative 25 kills running over enemies with the TDV-1. 1 guideDragon's Breath SpecialistCumulative 25 kills with the Dragon's Breath. 3 guidesMole Mine SpecialistCumulative 25 kills with Mole Mines. 4 guidesRhino SpecialistCumulative 25 kills with the Rhino. 3 guidesCatapult SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Catapult. 1 guideST-4 Torpedo Launcher SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the ST-4 Torpedo Launcher. 1 guideLodestone SpecialistCumulative 25 kills with the Lodestone. 3 guidesRaptor SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Raptor. 1 guideALM-37 "Deep Freeze" SpecialistCumulative 25 kills of people frozen by the ALM-37 "Deep Freeze." 3 guidesInvader SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Invader. 2 guidesScorpion Sniper Rifle SpecialistCumulative 25 kills with the Scorpion Sniper Rifle. 3 guidesBulldog SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Bulldog. 1 guidePacifican SMG SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Pacifican SMG. 1 guideBangalore SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Bangalore. 2 guidesBlack Widow SpecialistCumulative 50 kills with the Black Widow. 1 guideDead AimAccumulate 25 headshots kills. 1 guidePugilistMelee kill 10 enemies in a row. 4 guidesWhat Goes UpKill 5 Hydras while they're in mid-air. 3 guidesWelcome to the SuckKill 5 or more enemies with a single Vortex Grenade. 3 guidesBeware falling objectsKill an enemy using the Stomp Augmentation. 5 guidesSuper SoldierAcquire All Augmentations in the Game. 2 guidesPresident of the USAAccumulate 100 Alliance Wins. 1 guidePresident of PacificaCumulative 100 Pacifican Wins. 1 guideIt's Good to be KingWin 50 Kingmaker games. 1 guideAll Your Base Are Belong to UsWin 50 Break-In Games. 2 guidesGold Plated ShovelWin 50 Excavation games. 1 guideStandard BearerWin 50 CTF Games. 2 guidesInducteeAwarded for completing one multiplayer game. 1 guidePrivateAwarded for completing 10 multiplayer games. 1 guideBattle-TestedAwarded for completing 100 multiplayer games. 1 guideCorporalAwarded for completing 250 multiplayer games. 1 guideBattle-HardenedAwarded for completing 500 multiplayer games. 3 guidesDemolition ExpertAwarded for completing 1500 multiplayer games. 3 guides