Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle to be delisted from Xbox store soon due to licensing issueDeveloper Blue Wizard Digital has announced that its gruesome puzzle game Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle will be deslited from the Xbox store soon due to a licensing issue. Posted 2 years ago by Sean Carey
Easy Gamerscore: 71 quick completions from the latest Xbox salesThis week's Xbox Sale is a whopper in terms of quick completions. After delving into the sale's depths, we've found 71 games that are chock-full of easy achievements and easy Gamerscore. Posted 2 years ago by Sean Carey
Xbox walkthroughs published — September 1st to 30thThe ever-helpful TA community has absolutely smashed it once again in September, with a massive 27 new Xbox walkthroughs published in the last month. Here are all those useful guides for your reading pleasure... Posted 4 years ago by Robbie Andrews