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Microsoft Publisher Sale Now Live [UPDATE]

Running from today, April 2nd until April 8th next week, Microsoft is offering up a very interesting selection of discounts. There's repeats, new games, classic games, DLC and Pinball tables all avai

Posted 11 years ago by Dog of Thunder

Full House Poker Enters Spring 2013 [UPDATE]

Edit: The DLC achievements have now been added to As thought, there are three new achievements worth a total of 50G. Those of you who waited to play this DLC can now do so without any probl

Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Full House Poker Enters Winter 2012

When 1 vs 100 was discontinued, many gamers had to wait for their prime-time entertainment fix. A few months later, Microsoft started beta testing Full House Poker, the game that was to take the now

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Xbox LIVE 10th Anniversary Sale on XBLA Games

Microsoft's Xbox LIVE service was first introduced to gamers in November 2002. Players got their own gamertag and could create a list of all of their friends' gamertags. They could play online in cer

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

XBLA DLC Roundup: September 19th, 2012 [UPDATE]

Edit: Since the publication of this article, another piece of DLC has been released onto the Marketplace. This piece of DLC will not be available in all regions. Full House Poker • "Full House Poker:

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Sales & Specials+: Week of August 14th, 2012

A different set of XBLA discounts are in full force with the Scratch & Match side of the Sales & Specials+ for this week, but BioShock 2 remains firmly under the explosive spotlight of the unchanged

Posted 12 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Sales & Specials+: Week of July 31st, 2012

Microsoft has unleashed a bit of variety this week with the Sales & Specials+. The Chain Reaction has finally been changed from, and is now

Posted 12 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Belated GFWL & XBLA DLC Roundup: July 26th, 2012

Lately, Microsoft has taken to releasing new marketplace content, especially DLC, towards the end of the day. This often means that it misses my DLC roundups, so I usually carry it over into the next

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Avatar FameStar Awards Revealed

On Monday, we introduced a new program coming to Xbox LIVE: Avatar FameStar. The program sets players weekly and one-time challenges to accomplish over a variety of XBLA games. Completing the challen

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Presenting...Avatar Famestar

Microsoft has introduced a new cross-game rewards program that sounds like a mix between achievements, avatar awards, and Ubisoft's Uplay. Futu

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

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