Fury Unleashed Achievements Here is the full list of all 47 Fury Unleashed achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 47 Single Player 47 Cooperative 10 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Difficulty Specific 1 Collectable 3 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Just a distractionKill a boss with combo higher than 30 That was quickKill a boss in 5 seconds 1 guideA good startFinish a page with full health points without using fast travel 1 guideAwesome ComboScore a combo of 50 Damage DealerDeal more than 10000 dmg Not so scary after allKill 3 different bosses (available in Easy mode) Multi KillerPerform 100 multi kills Nice oneKill 5 enemies with a single bullet 1 guidePacifistFinish a page without killing any enemies and using fast travel 1 guideHappy PacifistFinish a page without killing enemies, taking any damage and using fast travel 1 guidePowered upCollect 50.000 ink (available in Easy mode) It's a good runCollect 5.000 ink in one run TLDRFinish a page in 30 seconds 1 guideGrenadierKill 50 enemies with grenades in one run 1 guideBucket listKill all bosses (available in Easy mode) Flawless VictorKill 10 bosses without taking any damage Double FlawlessKill 2 bosses in a row without taking any damage Plumber styleKill 30 enemies by stomping in one run 1 guideAddictedBe under the influence of 3 potions at the same time 1 guideDeath from aboveKill 5 enemies without touching ground 1 guideFully loadedCollect armor items of all types (available in Easy mode) Back from the deadRegenerate health from 10% to 90% Exploding barrelsKill three enemies with a single barrel explosion 1 guideFantastic ComboScore a combo of 100 Glorious ComboScore a combo of 200 Fallen God defeatedKill the Fallen God (available in Easy mode) Chained God defeatedKill the Chained God (available in Easy mode) Snake God defeatedKill the Snake God (available in Easy mode) Sky Fortress defeatedDestroy the Sky Fortress (available in Easy mode) War Mech defeatedDestroy the War Mech (available in Easy mode) Mega Shell defeatedDestroy the Mega Shell (available in Easy mode) Nice ComboScore a combo of 10 Great ComboScore a combo of 20 Melee MasterKill 20 enemies with melee attack in one run Melee GrandmasterKill 50 enemies with melee attack in one run Melee ArchmasterKill 100 enemies with melee attack in one run 1 guideHive Queen defeatedKill the Hive Queen Invasion Commander defeatedKill the Invasion Commander (available in Easy mode) Destroyer Of Cities defeatedDestroy the Destroyer Of Cities (available in Easy mode) Moderate Fury UnleashedComplete the game in any game mode Fury UnleashedComplete the game in Hard game mode Incredible Fury UnleashedComplete the game in Incredible game mode 1 guideLegendary Fury UnleashedComplete the game in Legendary game mode 1 guidePerfect comboComplete a the game in one combo starting from the first comic book Magnificent comboScore a combo of 500 CompletionistComplete the game in all available game modes 1 guideCollectorUnlock all unlockable Items