April 2019 Delistings: Telltale Games, WWE 2K, and MoreApril has seen a grand total of seven Xbox One games, three Xbox Live Arcade games, four Xbox 360 Games on Demand, and six Windows 10 games removed from the Microsoft Store. Posted 6 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Telltale Games Enters Liquidation, Games Disappear from SteamTelltale Games is going through liquidation proceedings, but more worryingly, their titles are disappearing from Steam's store. Could their Xbox titles be next? Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Ranking The Modern Telltale Games LibrarySince 2012's debut of The Walking Dead, Telltale has honed their expertise to focus almost solely on episodic narrative-driven adventure games. With so many to choose from and three more announced, it's time to rank them. Posted 8 years ago by Mark Delaney
Retail Releases: Week of November 23rd, 2015This week is very quiet with new releases in Australia only. The releases are simply a catch up on the titles that arrived in North America last week, with Borderlands and Game of Thrones making an a Posted 10 years ago by Keith Gray
XBL Content Roundup: November 20th, 2015Due to technical issues, we've missed a couple of content roundups. As such, this roundup contains all content that has been released since November 12th. http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Retail Releases: Week of November 16th, 2015This week sees the latest Star Wars adventure arrive on Xbox One. There is also a retail version of Telltale Games' take on Game of Thrones. A triple pack of existing Borderlands titles releases in N Posted 10 years ago by Keith Gray
Game of Thrones: Episode Six Gets ScreenshotsIf you're one of the blessed few with oodles of free gaming time and aren't currently overwhelmed with the number of quality gaming options available, Telltale has come along with the final episode o Posted 10 years ago by Jonathan Barnes
Lots Of New Telltale Game Of Thrones InformationIn news that will please those who have been waiting patiently for it, the release date for the final episode of Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series has been revealed. In addition, there was the Posted 10 years ago by Andy Mills
XBL Content Roundup: July 29th, 2015Due to scheduling issues last week, we didn't have a content roundup. As such, today's list includes all content that has been released since July 21st. http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/0 Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Game Of Thrones Episode 5 Release Date RevealedThe next episode of the six-episode Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series, "A Nest Of Vipers", has been announced and, in typical Telltale fashion, you won't have to wait very long to play it. As Posted 10 years ago by Andy Mills