Let’s hope King sparks an Xbox achievements renaissance on mobile
by Canezza
APK downloads
by Foxmoonlight
Quick question regarding the last days of Pop
by guif87
Gears POP!: A humbling road to failure and a final farewell
by DeathHuntsUs
Gears POP! Flag Changes
by TrueAchievement
When exactly do the servers close on the 26th?
by meatman75
Message to my crew
by ElDiabloLoco90
Yet another active clan looking to recruit
by Cheetorlives
Gears POP! final update before server closure drops April 15th [updated]
I'm doing a Live Stream before the game closes!
by ALoneWolf42
How many pins total?
by Dark Death 90
Clans with Hordes
by PhantomLP
Question about upgrading pin to max
Hitting Rank 20 and Pin Upgrade Bug
Last Minute tips for farming victories/pins/power
by Anubseth
need active horde group
by lildevilbmxer
Cant find game
Best horde squad for grinding?
by Craphex
Gears Pop Crew Anyone can join - Horde Achievement
by Sh4dow70
Horde Crew for All
by BIG Chromer
Gold League Deck
by Algur
Horde Crew
by Alright Im Done
Operation Gold League Push
by heatlight
League Legend Achievement
by Anxsighety
"Pop Horde" Crew for Achievements
boost for 1000 vesus wins
by morrow fire
Run game on phone and PC at same time?
by ChknFingrs
Gears POP! Server Closure changes
Anyone help push to gold rank
Can someone give a quick breakdown of what was involved in this completion originally vs n
by vSully
Last Horde Crew for all
Gears POP! update makes popping some achievements much easier ahead of server closure
Pin kills boosting.
by Danger Days 11
Horde Crew for All - Event
Best Horde Setup?
by Shel2theburne
April update seems to be live now
by Slugger Maxman
Any guild still playing?
Starting from scratch, how do-able is this game with the latest update?
by uN33D2chill
best deck to wins game??
by NightmareEX
I don't understand every voice line for pins
by Piyi Piyi
Gears POP's final update planned for first week of April
Looking for Active Crew
by xTheDris1nx
Looking for active users
by Greenguy81
by Ax7 BEAST
Gears POP! getting "stripped back" version of planned update today
Update is now active
Gears POP! update makes unlocking some achievements much easier [updated]
Gears Pop Update has been Nerfed
by BlinkFandangoII
TC are "looking into what can be done".
Update: Gears POP! update reduces pin upgrade cost by 50% and offers double XP