Latest Gene Rain Wind Tower News

Easiest Xbox Achievement Lists from July 2018

Easiest Xbox Achievement Lists from July 2018

July is traditionally a slow month for new releases, and though that's still generally true, the games that did come out this past month were very generous. Take a look at our biggest list of easy achievement games yet.

Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney

New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning July 23rd, 2018

This week we're getting another ten new titles on Xbox One. Digitally, there's the two Mega Man X Legacy Collections and eight ID@Xbox titles, one of which is heading to retail too.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

E3's Forgotten ID@Xbox Titles Revealed

Over the next few weeks, we aim to introduce you to the many other ID@Xbox titles that were also at the E3 conference a few at a time, and we start with the first five titles today.

Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Latest Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshots

Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 1Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 2Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 3Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 4Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 5Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 6Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 7Gene Rain Wind Tower Screenshot 8