Ginger: Beyond the Crystal Patch Fixes Bugged AchievementIt's our favorite type of news to report — a formerly bugged or unobtainable achievement has been fixed! Drakhar Studios and BadLand Indie's Ginger: Beyond the Crystal has received a patch that fixed "A Great Ending." Posted 8 years ago by Kelly Packard
XBL Content Roundup: November 4th, 2016In the previous two weeks, several big-title games have been released. There's Titanfall 2, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Here's The Main Trailer For Ginger: Beyond The CrystalThe upcoming 3D platformer Ginger: Beyond The Crystal is scheduled to launch on Xbox One next week, and ahead of that release developer Drakhar Studio has released a trailer for the game showcasing what Ginger can do. Posted 9 years ago by Andy Mills
XBL Content Roundup: September 16th, 2016As I've been away for a while, we get three weeks of content rolled into one... and there's a lot of it. Check out the new titles and DLC for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows 10. Posted 9 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Ginger: Beyond The Crystal Details AnnouncedDeveloper Drakhar Studio and publisher BadLand Games will be releasing their 3D platformer Ginger: Beyond the Crystal in August. More details have also been announced. Posted 9 years ago by Damien Knox
Ginger: Beyond The Crystal Announced For Xbox OneIt seems the river of indie titles continues to flow unceasingly on Xbox One. Another was announced today, and it's called Ginger: Beyond The Crystal. A colorful title set in a lush fantasy world, Gi Posted 10 years ago by Mark Delaney