Gunfire Reborn Achievements Full list of all 86 Gunfire Reborn achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 5 Online Mode 81 Online/Offline 81 Single Player 86 Cooperative 6 Main Storyline 5 Difficulty Specific 10 Collectable 20 Cumulative + 2 Level 5 Shop 7 Time/Date 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply First BloodDie for the first time. 1 guideDeath ProofDie 100 times. All for NothingDie when the BOSS has 10% HP or less remaining. 1 guideDie After RevivalDie within 10 seconds after Revival. 1 guideAbstracted DriverBe killed by a trap twice in a single game. 1 guideLava HellDie from Burning. 1 guideLethal GasDie from Decay. 1 guideThunder OutrageDie from Shock. 1 guidePainful DeathDie with over 4,000 copper. 1 guideShopaholicBuy 100 items from the Peddler. Generous BossBuy everything at the Peddler. 1 guideOne More TimeSpend over 2,000 copper to Reforge at the same Craftsman. 1 guideA Penny LeftUnable to purchase any items at the Peddler in a BOSS Stage. 2 guidesMoney for NothingPurchase items from 3 Peddlers without spending copper in a single game. 1 guideEnlightened BeastDefeat Lu Wu for the first time. 1 guideSlayer of IchthyosaurDefeat Ichthyosaurus Offspring for the first time. 1 guidePowerful FireDefeat any boss within 10s. Deft MoveDefeat any boss without taking any damage. 1 guideRookieEquip 1 Occult Scroll. 1 guideJuniorEquip 10 Occult Scrolls. 1 guideField ProficiencyEquip 15 Occult Scrolls. ExpertEquip 5 Legendary Occult Scrolls. MasterEquip 10 Legendary Occult Scrolls. 1 guideNew BeginningEquip 2 weapons. SharpshooterDeal 100 consecutive Crit hits. 1 guideTactical SniperKill 1,000 enemies at a distance of 30 meter or more. Savage ButcherKill 1,000 enemies within a distance of 4 meters. Blacksmith's ApprenticeUpgrade Weapon once at the Craftsman. Just for FunReforge a weapon at the Craftsman. 1 guideBest EquipmentHave 5 Inscriptions on a Weapon. RamboFire 100,000 ammo. Grenade MasterDefeat 1,000 enemies with Secondary Skill. 1 guideDual-Wield EliteWith Ao Bai, have a single Dual-Wield last for over 60 seconds. 2 guidesEnergy Orb MasterWith Crown Prince, use Energy Orb to freeze enemies for over 1,000 seconds in total. 1 guideHappy-Go-LuckyBreak 3,000 Jars. 1 guideAn Eye for DetailDiscover a Hidden Stage for the first time. Elementary UpgradeUpgrade the first Talent. 1 guideUltimate GrinderReach Level 100. Chronic DisasterBe affected by Burning, Decay and Shock in a single game. 1 guideBurning CityDefeat 1,000 Burning enemies. Poison IvyDefeat 1,000 Decaying enemies. 1 guideElectromagnetic EffectDefeat 1,000 Shocked enemies. Hallucination PoisonInflict Manipulation Effect on enemies 50 times in a single game. 2 guidesMad BomberInflict Explosion Effect on enemies 50 times in a single game. 1 guideGas AttackInflict Miasma Effect on enemies 50 times in a single game. 1 guideCombat MedicRevive Teammates 100 times. Easy WinRevived after teammates complete the stages. 1 guideTeam CaptainPass a stage with all teammates being knocked down. 1 guideHard FightPass all stages with all teammates being knocked down 10 times or more in a single game. 1 guideDeath of Yoruhime-MaruKill Yoruhime-Maru for the first time. No Way to EscapeBe killed by an Exploding Lantern Spirit. 1 guideNo Place to HideBe hooked 5 times by White Shark in a battle. 1 guideCrab BuffetKill 30 Fiddler Crabs with Fire DMG in a battle. 2 guidesWave-like Subtle StepOpen all chests in the trap level without taking damage. 2 guidesTop AthleteOpen all chests in the jumping level. 1 guideConquerorComplete Elite difficulty for the first time. 1 guideBuzzer BeaterKill Corrupt Monk before the Exploding Lantern Spirits are summoned. Worm HunterKill 50 Desert worms without taking any damage. 1 guideBattlefield RadarKill Yoruhime-Maru without taking any damage from Elysian Artillery. 1 guideAir StrikeWith Qing Yan, kill 5 or more enemies in a single Leap 50 times. 2 guidesEyes on WeaknessKill 50 Rogue Arsonists by breaking the oil barrels on their backs. 2 guidesEruditionEncounter all elite monsters. Painting MasterUnlock all monsters in the logbook. 1 guideVictory of Crown PrinceWin a game as Crown Prince. 1 guideVictory of Ao BaiWin a game as Ao Bai. 1 guideVictory of Qing YanWin a game as Qing Yan. Arms DealerUnlock all weapons. Art of ExplosionKill 100 enemies by Explosive/Corrosive Barrels. 1 guideVictory of Lei LuoWin a game as Lei Luo. Son of ThunderWith Lei Luo, use Fatal Current for more than 1000 seconds in total. 1 guidePhilanthropistShare 100 items in total. 1 guideLucky DrawObtain a weapon with two or more exclusive inscriptions. Professional AthleteComplete Normal difficulty in 30 minutes. 1 guideSports CarComplete Elite difficulty in 30 minutes. The Sky is the LimitComplete Nightmare difficulty in 30 minutes. 1 guideFresh StartComplete one Daily Challenge. Master of Daily ChallengeComplete five different Daily Challenges. 1 guideLegendary ShotDeals more than 300,000 damage in a single hit. 2 guidesAdvanced WeaponCarry a weapon whose level is higher than 12. Everlasting MartyrKill Golem for the first time. 2 guidesRaging WindsKill Wind God for the first time. 1 guideVictory of TaoWin a game as Tao. Sword StormWith Tao, summon more than 10,000 flying swords. 1 guidePacified SerpentDefeat Abyssal Serpent for the first time. 1 guideDrown Into NightmareComplete Nightmare difficulty for the first time. 1 Life ClearComplete any difficulty without spending any soul essence to revive. 1 guide