3 years since the shut down
by TJ sixtyfour
Halo 3 Project "Sunrise" allowing achievement unlocks
by MineMasterjake1
Halo games in order: Chronological and release
by DeathHuntsUs
Halo veteran Paul Bertone joins 343i as Halo Infinite design director
Annual still possible?
by killer cody99
Unlocking online discontinued Halo 3 achievements offline
by Whats a Chundy
Halo 3 Flag Changes
by TrueAchievement
Halo turns 21 today, but which game is best?
by BadRubberPiggy
Achieving 1,500,000 Gamerscore in Halo 3 on its 15th anniversary (9/25/22)
Halo Infinite bringing back classic Halo 3 map to build new mode hype
Halo 3 (xbox360) vidmaster achievement
by Yangire96
343 Industries closing Halo Xbox 360 servers at the end of 2021
by Canezza
Recon Armor is gone...
by Ebizu
Game of the Generation - Results
by Clever Jake
Last chance vid master annual
by ThePr0digalS0n
TA saying Annual is locked even though I unlocked it.
by superSPID3R
Boosting Free For All Achievements
by iAccidental
Boosting Achievements
by King Danana
Vidmaster Annual . Last mission 4 Ghosts
by Requiem
Lone wolves level 40-50, two for one achievement
by IPerFexionZx
Halo 3 Lone Wolves High Rank
by Sovereign 117
HELP! Movers lost my copy of Halo 3! Am I screwed?
by DonTrombone7704
EXP system is broken again ?
by CrysisWarXX3
Killing Frenzy
by xxxSlayerxxxxx
FINAL Chance to attain 7 on the 7th achievement (January 6th/7th 2022)
by iDuL
Vidmaster Challenge: Annual - Not possible on back compat
by young tugboatz
343 Industries delays Halo Xbox 360 server closure to January
Lone wolf ranked 19, free for fall achievements looking for others
Halo 3 Server Closure changes
Halo 3 TA Tracking Error
by Krispyfoot
Lone Wolves Boosting Rank Range
by IllustriousYeti
Lone Wolves Achievements Rank 24 (14-34)
by KaveKanem
Need help multiplayer achievements before servers go down
(UPDATE #4) Servers working again!
by Fenvix
Ranked Lone Wolf Playlist UP 15-12-2021 22:18 CET
by DemonicChip9868
Need help with Vidmaster Challenge: Annual (Session Created)
by Tedd
Contacting 343 regarding multiplayer outages for Halo 360 titles
by Asininity
Need a player or two for DLC
by KingOfNatto
I can unlock Vidmaster Lightswitch or all Legendary/Mythic/Mythic II DLC achievements info in thread
Need lone wolf achievers, rank 40
by Green Grunt4
Anyone else having issues right now (Nov 30th)
Use same console generation to stabilize connection (for Matchmaking and Co-op).
by Arsenal Mega
20 moments that defined Xbox: #11 — Games with Gold
by BulbAssured
"this playlist is reserved for xbox live gold members" when the xbox has gold
by The Killers425
LFM Vidmaster Annual
by Nopeace1
'Cannot retrieve data' errors in matchmaking
Halo 3 Connection Issues
by Killionaire119
Lone Wolves 25-35
by jncwn
Doing ranked achievements solo?
Need help with last 7 achievements