Halo: Spartan Assault Achievements Full list of all 30 Halo: Spartan Assault achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 7 Online Mode 19 Offline Mode 4 Online/Offline 23 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 2 Stackable 3 Cumulative + 2 Buggy - 1 Shop 1 Buggy + 11 Cooperative 1 x6 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flagsAchievements without any flags (6) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply OverrunComplete Operation A 2 guidesSwitched OnComplete Operation B 1 guideSwitched OffComplete Operation C 1 guideEvacuatedComplete Operation D 1 guideTerminatedComplete Operation E Escort ServiceKeep all Wolverines intact in Operation A, Mission 3 3 guidesNowhere to HideFinish the mission without any Jackal regenerating its shield in Operation B, Mission 3 3 guidesNever Knew What Hit ThemKill a convoy target with every stationary gun in Operation C, Mission 3 5 guidesBrute ForceFinish the objectives using only the Brute Shot, melee and grenades in Operation D, Mission 1 3 guidesFoot SoldierFinish the objective without using any vehicles/turrets in Operation E, Mission 4 6 guidesRecruitEarn a star of any type in an operation mission 1 guideProdigyEarn your first Gold star in an operation mission 2 guides117Earn all Gold stars in all operation missions 2 guidesPension PlanEarn 25000 XP throughout your career 4 guidesDistinguished ServiceEarn all medals in the campaign at least once 3 guidesWeapon of ChoiceScore a kill with every handheld weapon in the campaign 1 guidePowered by MJOLNIRUse every ability in the campaign at least once 1 guideSkull ComboComplete any campaign mission with the maximum number of Skulls active 2 guidesVidmaster ChallengeComplete Operation E, Mission 1 with the Hollow and Black Eye Skulls active 4 guidesExtra CreditComplete all campaign mission specific Assault Ops 6 guidesArcheologyComplete Operation F 1 guideSilvertipDestroy all Mega Turrets with the Grizzly tank in Operation F, Mission 2 5 guidesVidmaster Challenge 2.0Complete Operation F, Mission 4 with the Blind and Thunderstorm Skulls active 5 guidesFloodedComplete all co-op missions 1 guideOverachieverEarn all co-op medals at least once 1 guideDynamic DuoEarn all Gold stars in all co-op missions 1 guideExterminationKill 10,000 enemies in co-op 1 guideImmuneFinish a co-op mission without becoming infected 5 guidesThe Company of StrangersComplete a co-op mission with at least 5 different players 1 guideThe Enemy of my FriendGet a higher individual score than your partner on all co-op missions 2 guides