The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific Achievements Here is the full list of all 44 The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 1 Online Mode 21 Offline Mode 22 Online/Offline 21 Single Player 21 Main Storyline 11 Difficulty Specific 10 Stackable 15 Cumulative + 1 Buggy - 23 Versus 1 x4 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Complete Wake IslandBeat Wake Island on any difficulty setting. Complete BataanBeat Bataan on any difficulty setting. Complete Guadalcanal 1Beat Guadalcanal 1 on any difficulty setting. Complete Guadalcanal 2Beat Guadalcanal 2 on any difficulty setting. 1 guideComplete Leyte 1Beat Leyte 1 on any difficulty setting. Complete Leyte 2Beat Leyte 2 on any difficulty setting. Complete LuzonBeat Luzon on any difficulty setting. Complete Iwo Jima 1Beat Iwo Jima 1 on any difficulty setting. Complete Iwo Jima 2Beat Iwo Jima 2 on any difficulty setting. Complete Iwo Jima 3Beat Iwo Jima 3 on any difficulty setting. Complete Wake Island With ValorBeat Wake Island on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Bataan With ValorBeat Bataan on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Guadalcanal 1 w/ ValorBeat Guadalcanal 1 on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Guadalcanal 2 w/ ValorBeat Guadalcanal 2 on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Leyte 1 With ValorBeat Leyte 1 on the Hard difficulty setting. 2 guidesComplete Leyte 2 With ValorBeat Leyte 2 on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Luzon With ValorBeat Luzon on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Iwo Jima 1 With ValorBeat Iwo Jima 1 on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Iwo Jima 2 With ValorBeat Iwo Jima 2 on the Hard difficulty setting. Complete Iwo Jima 3 With ValorBeat Iwo Jima 3 on the Hard difficulty setting. Five Star GeneralBeat the game on the Hard difficulty setting. 1 guideJapanese Weapon ExpertAccumulate 500 kills with any Japanese weapons in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesAmerican Weapon ExpertAccumulate 500 kills with any American weapons in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesMarksmanGet 200 headshots without a scope or pistol in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesSniperGet 100 headshots using a scope in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesPurple HeartDie 250 times in any multiplayer mode. 1 guideOn The Front LinesHost and complete 100 multiplayer matches. 1 guideHeavy GunnerAccumulate 100 kills with the BAR or Type 96 LMG in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesDefensive FrontKill the flag carrier 5 times in a CTF game. 2 guidesLeadershipWin 50 Team Deathmatch, 50 Capture the Flag, or 50 Team Elimination games. 2 guidesTotal WarHave a 5 to 1 or better Kill to Death ratio in a multiplayer match (minimum of 20 kills). 2 guidesGrenadierAccumulate 50 kills with Grenades in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesClose CombatKill 50 opponents with melee attacks in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesGoing Out With A BangKill yourself and an opponent with an explosive 10 times in any multiplayer mode. 1 guideTo The Victor Go The SpoilsBe the most skillful player in a Ranked Match. 3 guidesDuelerAccumulate 50 kills with a pistol in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesElite WarriorKill everyone on the opposite team in a Team Elimination game. 2 guidesOne-Man ArmyBe the only person on your team to score points in a Capture The Flag game. 2 guidesLast Man StandingWin 10 Elimination games. 2 guidesGround SupportCarry the flag 5 times in a Capture the Flag game. 2 guidesLight GunnerAccumulate 100 kills with the Thompson or Type 100 in any multiplayer mode. 1 guideNot Home By ChristmasWin a Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch game with a 50 kill limit. 2 guidesTrench GunnerAccumulate 50 kills with the Trench Gun in any multiplayer mode. 2 guidesThe Promotion Is YoursWin a Deathmatch game by 10 points. 2 guides