Homefront: The Revolution Achievements Full list of all 74 Homefront: The Revolution achievements worth 1,450 gamerscore.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 24 achievements worth 450 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 53 Offline Mode 12 Online Mode 9 Online/Offline 71 Single Player 21 Cooperative 19 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 4 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 11 Collectable 12 Missable 19 Cumulative + 3 Level 7 Shop 1 Time/Date 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 4 Buggy + 5 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,847 1,000 50 3.03105,359808 (1%)40-50h Cooking up a stormManufacture a GTK item. 1 guide#WinningEarn a team citation. 1 guideMinutemanEarn 10 mission citations. 1 guideSon of LibertyEarn 20 individual citations. 1 guideE Pluribus UnumEarn 20 team citations. 2 guidesMicro MachineDestroy an armoured car with an RC car bomb. 1 guideKing DavidDestroy a Goliath. 4 guidesGogiguiKill 5 or more KPA with a single Molotov. 3 guidesFighting fire with fireKill 100 KPA using hacked drones. 3 guidesAccessorizeAdd an attachment to a weapon. 2 guidesThere are many like it, but this one is mineConvert a weapon. 2 guidesAdaptive warfareGet a kill with every weapon and modification. 1 guideSurprise!Kill 20 KPA using proximity based GTK items. 1 guideThe bigger they are…Kill 20 heavies. 2 guidesTake me outPerform 30 takedowns on KPA snipers. 5 guidesGuerrilla MasterDeploy every type of GTK item at least once. 2 guidesSilent but DeadlyPerform 5 takedowns in a row without being spotted by the KPA. 5 guidesDanger Zone!Create a character for Resistance Mode. 1 guideMayhem 101Purchase a skill. 1 guidePractical MayhemDeploy an active skill in a mission, and have at least one other player use the results. 1 guideProfessor MayhemPurchase 4 different active skills across any number of Resistance Mode characters. 4 guidesPhased plasma rifle in a 40 watt rangeUpgrade a weapon to its maximum level. 1 guidePeace of cakeSuccessfully complete a Resistance Mode mission on easy difficulty. 1 guidePeace in our timeSuccessfully complete a Resistance Mode mission on normal difficulty. 1 guidePeace your pantsSuccessfully complete a Resistance Mode mission on hard difficulty. 2 guidesEveryone fights, no one quitsRevive 10 downed teammates over any number of Resistance Mode missions. 2 guidesFlash ah aaaahhh!Successfully resolve 20 Flashpoints. 4 guidesWelcome to the ResistanceJoin the Philadelphia resistance movement. 1 guideRed DawnEnter Elmtree Red Zone. 1 guideHit and runEscape the ambush at Ned's Armoury. 1 guideHeist of the centurySteal a Goliath from the Shipyard. 1 guideDeclaration of IndependenceEscape the trap at Independence Hall. 1 guideWe Can Be HeroesIncite a revolution at City Hall. 1 guideLand of the freeFinish the single player campaign on any difficulty. 1 guideHome of the braveFinish the single player campaign on Deathwish difficulty. 2 guidesFirst-StrikeCapture a Strike Point. 1 guideThis is our town, NorkCapture all Strike Points. 3 guidesDear diary…Collect 10 Journals. 1 guideOh a piece of candy!Distract 30 KPA from their guard posts in yellow zone without being detected. 6 guidesFyre StarterSet a KPA on fire by shooting a gas vent. 3 guidesRobin HoodKill a KPA soldier with a crossbow bolt from over 50 meters away. 4 guidesStriking BackCapture 30 Strike Points. 1 guidePart-timerComplete 5 Jobs. 1 guideJobsworthComplete all Jobs. 3 guidesInside JobInfiltrate a KPA Stronghold and deactivate the valve without being detected. 3 guidesConquerorCapture all KPA Strongholds. 1 guideRiding HighDrive the motorbike 60 meters above sea level. 2 guidesCan't stop the signalActivate 20 HAM radios. 1 guideIt's a trap!Kill 10 KPA using Resistance traps. 6 guidesStar of the showRemain in the searchlight of a KPA Airship for 2 minutes without dying. 3 guides Add-on The Voice of Freedom 414 150 8 3.346,3271,338 (21%)1-2h DocumentarianCollect 6 journals. 1 guideShadow HunterTakedown 5 Bandits without detection. 1 guideThe Need for speedEscape the tunnel collapse in 50 seconds or less. 1 guideUnbreakableClear the bandit camp without taking damage. 3 guidesDo you like to play with FIRE?!Set 5 Bandits On Fire. 2 guidesGoing undergroundReach the Subway. 1 guideWitness me!Destroy the Bandit Car. 1 guideWelcome to PhillyEnter Greentree Yellow Zone. 1 guide Add-on Aftermath 422 150 8 3.455,7931,349 (23%)1-2h Duck HuntDestroy 9 Rubber Ducks. 4 guidesJournalistCollect 6 Journals. 2 guidesSignal To NoiseEnter the Broadcast Center without detection. 3 guidesSafe and SoundComplete the upload sequence and escape the Broadcast Center without using a health kit. 2 guidesDeath by BoomKill 2 KPA guards in the compound using explosive canisters. 2 guidesDAB HandArrive at the Broadcast Center. 2 guidesWalker StalkerTurn off the Walker broadcast recording. 2 guidesCookie MonsterComplete Aftermath. 2 guides Add-on Beyond the Walls 435 150 8 3.614,7661,365 (29%)1-2h MixologistDonate more than one Molotov to the Resistance in the HUB. 1 guideHydrophobiaJump across the stepping stones without hitting the water. 1 guideCooking With GasDestroy a Seeker with the gas trap in the HUB. 1 guideSwamp FoxGet 4 or more kills whilst in mud. 1 guideSwan SongDestroy the last surviving rubber duck. 1 guideLearn Me A BookCollect 10 journals. 2 guidesSanctuaryFind the agent in the church. RocketmanLaunch the rocket at the KPA satellite. 1 guide