Ice Age Village (WP) Walkthrough

Written by Musquito Published June 18th 2013
1000 - 1500 hours 1 Playthrough 20 20 Discontinued
Ice Age Village (WP) Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
1000 to 1500 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
20 of 20 are Discontinued
Single Player
20 of 20 are Single Player
Offline Mode
19 of 19 are Offline Mode
13 of 13 are Shop
7 of 7 are Level
1 of 1 is a Online/Offline
1 of 1 is a Community
1 of 1 is a Time/Date
Games included
Gamers Involved
Musquito (Owner)
Ergo Me Smart
Ergo Me Smart (Overseer)
thirtysmooth (Overseer)
imaidiot19 (Contributor)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Ice Age Village (WP) - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Welcome to the Ice Age Village (WP) walkthrough.
This game is all about completing animal families. A family consists of 2 parents and 2 baby animals. You need to buy the parents first before you can breed a baby. Depending on the animal the breeding time will be between 1 hour and 4 days. Babies tend to run off if you do not hatch the egg in time. You can see the time left if you press "stuff - nursery". Usually it is its double breeding time with a maximum of 48 hours.
Those families will give you coins. Harvest the coins to start a new cycle.
With those coins you can buy new families. Beware everything becomes more expensive the longer you play the game.
Try to buy decorations as well. They give a bonus to the surrounded items.
If you complete family collections, you are rewarded even more. You can check your family collections by pressing "Stuff - collection - second tab collection". Not all collections earn you an achievement but it is worth it to complete them too for coins and acorns.
The game was released broken. It has one unobtainable achievement if you do not update your game.

Most Famous

Get 5-Stars Village Status

Most Famous

I contacted Gameloft on 9 May 2013.

I got my final heart, so I got 5 hearts now, so I got now 5 stars in my friends bar. It was the last thing I need for my 5-star rating village.
My game really slowed down and was unresponding. I managed to get back to my village and I saw I got a 5-star rating for my village.
There was a in-game notification trying to pop up, but it did not. I did not get my "most famous" achievement either.
I backed out of my game, switched off my phone, restarted the phone and started up Ice Age again. Immediately I unlocked an achievement "Survivial of the fittest" That is the wrong achievement.
My in-game message is still trying to pop-up and keeps doing that. Really annoying and I cannot play my game smoothly anymore.
Please have a look at the issue because I really want my "Most famous" achievement.

Gameloft responded on 29 May 2013.
Thank you for contacting Gameloft Customer Care.
Please accept our apologies for the inconveniences.
We are aware of this issue and our developers are now investigating the problem. Hopefully, everything will be resolved very soon.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you notice any changes in the game or if you encounter any other issue with it.
Best regards,

It has been patched and now fully 100% completion is possible.
You can check which version you have by pressing "stuff" and going to "Options". Choose "About".
Version 1.0.0
* Facebook and Gameloft friends are not working, you can add only random "friends".
* Prices of the coin and acorns packs are showing wrong in-game, but are correct when you are on the real marketplace.
* Most Famous is broken.
Version 1.0.0p
* Facebook and Gameloft friends are not working, you can add only random "friends".
* Prices of the coin and acorns packs are fixed.
* Most Famous is broken.
Version 1.0.0u
* Facebook and Gameloft friends are fixed. Update May 30th, 2013: It is broken again!
* Prices of the coin and acorns packs are fixed.
* Most Famous is fixed.
You can play the game while not connected to xbox live. You can even visit Scrat's Nook. You only need to be connected if you want to visit your friends villages.
Warning! In this game you can use the time glitch too. Time glitch is forwarding your time in your phone time settings. Beware if you use the time glitch, your hearts will NOT increase until the day you forwarded the time.
If you use it (I would not advise it), you must be back in the right time zone at the moment you are about to unlock an achievement.
The time written in the overview page is based on fair play without using the time glitch.
I will first describe the "other" achievements, then the "collection" achievements and last, the "level" achievements.
Enjoy Ice Age Village!

Ice Age Village (WP) - General hints and tips

Ice Age Village has 4 payment methods: coins, acorns, silver tokens and hearts.
Coins are very easy to acquire. Acorns however are VERY rare. You need them to complete certain families for achievements. Spend them wisely!
* Families
* Fun buildings
* Snow piles
* Daily bonus
* Finding Scrat in your friends village
* Scrat passing by
* Scrat mini-game
* Completing goals
* Completing animal collections
* Real money (coin packs on marketplace)
* Watching the movies for the first time in the "Movie Theater"
* Snow piles (very rare)
* Scrat passing by (very rare)
* Finding Scrat in your friends village (very rare)
* Scrat mini-game
* Gifts from a friend
* Completing animal collections
* Leveling up
* Real money (acorns packs on marketplace)
* Like a friends village
* Be liked by a friend
You can search for new friends in this forum topic: Friends for hearts + gifts
Silver Tokens
The Scrat mini-game will give you one silver token each 24 hours. You must harvest it before the next 24 hours start. With those silver tokens you can play the Scrat mini-game for prizes. You must slay the piranha fishes and avoid the spiky fishes. If you miss 3 times, it is game over. You get a bonus when the games end (3 misses or time runs out). The bonus can be coins, acorns or an animal. This is totally random.
In game there are sales as well. You can see the time left in your shop. Make use of the sales for the animals you need to buy with acorns!
Before you start, get some free goodies by changing your village name into**:
* Bonus
* BestBuy or Best Buy
* Saturn
* McDonalds
* Alpenliebe
* Post
* Danimals

** Please note that these codes are subject to change at any time and may, or may not be correct at the time of publication.
If you know more, let me know so I can update the list, giving you full credit: Ice Age Village (WP) Walkthrough Discussion
As soon as you are level 2, you can get a snow fox for free. Press Sid (sloth) 4 times and Manny (mammoth) 3 times without hitting something else. You can do this too if you are a higher level, but is will be more difficult to not hit something else in between.
New collections are added when renaming your village to the above codes. You are given everything to complete them. You only need to buy the second parent and breeding the 2 babies. There are no achievements for them but I would recommend you finish those collections as will be awarded 10 acorns.

Try to play each day and pick up your daily reward. The longer you play the bigger the reward is. The first 4 days are always coins, the fifth day is another item.

Ice Age Village (WP) - Story walkthrough

One of the first goals is to add the Kung Fu Scrat mini-game to your village. You can play this game either in practice (no bonus afterwards), or by paying a silver coin or 5 acorns. To unlock the below achievement you need to win the scrat mini-game 3 times in a row and it must be done in one sitting. If you do not have enough silver tokens, try it in practice. Achievement unlocks in practice as well.

Expert Slasher

Play Kung-Fu 3x and win continuously

Expert Slasher

Spend 30,000 coins on decorations to unlock the next achievement. Always try to decorate your village as it gives a bonus to the surrounding items.

I'm the Richest

Spend more than 30,000 coins on village decorations!

I'm the Richest

You have to expand your village 7 times to unlock the next achievement. Be aware that expanding becomes more expensive every time:

Expansion 1: FREE
Expansion 2: 10,000 coins or 10 acorns
Expansion 3: 50,000 coins or 20 acorns
Expansion 4: 10,000 coins or 30 acorns
Expansion 5: 150,000 coins or 40 acorns
Expansion 6: 200,000 coins or 50 acorns
Expansion 7: 250,000 coins or 55 acorns
Expansion 8: 300,000 coins or 60 acorns
Expansion 9: 400,000 coins or 65 acorns
Expansion 10: 500,000 coins or 70 acorns
Expansion 11: 600,000 coins or 75 acorns
Expansion 12: 700,000 coins or 80 acorns
Expansion 13: 800,000 coins or 85 acorns
Expansion 14: 900,000 coins or 90 acorns
Expansion 15: 1,000,000 coins or 95 acorns
Expansion 16: 10,000,000 coins or 99 acorns
Expansion 17: 15,000,000 coins or 105 acorns
Expansion 18: 20,000,000 coins or 110 acorns
Expansion 19: 25,000,000 coins or 115 acorns
Expansion 20: 30,000,000 coins or 120 acorns
Expansion 21: 35,000,000 coins or 125 acorns
Expansion 22: 40,000,000 coins or 130 acorns
Expansion 23: 45,000,000 coins or 135 acorns
Expansion 24: 50,000,000 coins or 140 acorns
Expansion 25: 55,000,000 coins or 145 acorns
Expansion 26: 60,000,000 coins or 150 acorns
Expansion 27: 70,000,000 coins or 155 acorns
Expansion 28: 80,000,000 coins or 160 acorns
Expansion 29: 90,000,000 coins or 165 acorns
Expansion 30: 100,000,000 coins or 170 acorns

Rule the Roost!

Complete 7 land expanding.

Rule the Roost!

When your village reaches a 5-star rating you unlock the next achievement. To earn a 5-star rating, you need 5 stars in:

* Animal families
* Fun buildings
* Friends (You need to reach level 6 before you unlock "Social")
* Village size

Expand your village by size, fun buildings and family collections to increase stars for its category. To increase stars in your friend bar, you need to visit Scrat's Nook and/or friend villages. Help them out by finding Scrat and like their village to earn hearts. You need to do this on a daily basis. Your hearts/stars can diminish if you do not help out your friends anymore.

Click on the village star rating to see what you must do to increase to the next star. For your friends, it has a countdown timer with how many days you must help out your friends to earn the next heart/star.
Gameloft and Facebook friends are not always working. If that is the case for you, you can add "random" friends and help them out.
Beware that you have to have at least version 1.0.0u otherwise this achievement is unobtainable.

Update May 30th, 2013: Friends feature is broken again. You will not see your Gameloft nor facebook friends anymore and therefore will not be able to send gifts. It is even worse that previous version. Now you cannot add even "random" friends. You can however carry on with your already added "random" friends. If you are not able to add random friends, you will only have "Scrat's Village" but I am not sure this counts as "helping friends" to increase your friend level.

Most Famous

Get 5-Stars Village Status

Most Famous

Collection "Starter Pack"

You need to complete 3 families to complete the starter pack collection.
* Sloth - Level 1 - 4,000 coins per family member.
* Beaver - Level 2 - 8,000 coins per family member.
* Beaky Birdie - Level 3 - 12,000 coins per family member.
You are rewarded 5,000 coins, 1 acorn and 1 Piranha.

For Beginners Only

Complete the Starter Pack collection.

For Beginners Only

Collection "Main Characters"

To complete the main characters collection, you need to complete 3 families.
* Sloth - Level 1 - 1,000 coins per family member.
* Mammoth - Level 6 - 8,000 coins per family member.
* Possum - Level 8 - 15,000 coins per family member.
You are rewarded 60,000 coins, 1 acorn and 1 Sabertooth Tiger.

The Stars of the Show

Complete the Main Characters collection.

The Stars of the Show

Collection "Chomp Chomp"

Complete 3 families to finish the chomp chomp collection.
* Beaver - Level 2 - 2,000 coins per family member.
* Possum - Level 8 - 15,000 coins per family member.
* Weasel - 60 acorns per family member.
You are awarded 40,000 coins and 5 acorns.

Om Nom Nom!

Complete the Chomp Chomp collection.

Om Nom Nom!

Collection "Tiny Family"

To finish the tiny family collection, you need to complete 3 families.
* Orange Bird - Level 5 - 5,000 coins per family member.
* Ermine - Level 21 - 200,000 coins per family member.
* Hedgehog - Level 15 - 110,000 coins per family member.
You are awarded 20,000 coins, 1 acorn and 1 Blue Bird.

Big Hearts

Complete the Tiny Family collection.

Big Hearts

Collection "Birdies"

Complete 3 families to finish the birdies collection.
* Orange Bird - Level 5 - 5,000 coins per family member.
* Diving Bird - Level 21 - 185,000 coins per family member.
* Beaky Birdie - Level 3 - 3,000 coins per family member.
You are awarded 60,000 coins and 5 acorns.

Tweet Tweet!

Complete the Birdies collection.

Tweet Tweet!

Collection "Scary Time"

Complete 3 families to finish the scary time collection.
* Armadillo - Level 7 - 11,000 coins per family member.
* Bonycap - Level 27 - 300,000 coins per family member.
* Sneaky - Level 11 - 50,000 coins per family member.
You are awarded 130,000 coins and 5 acorns.


Complete the Scary Time collection.


Collection "Not Extinct"

Complete 2 families to finish the not extinct collection.
* Mammoth - Level 6 - 8,000 coins per family member.
* Brown Mammoth - 80 acorns per family member.
If you are still playing in version 1.0.0 or 1.0.0p, this achievement unlocks when your village reaches a 5-star rating. But play it at your own risk because it can totally ruin your game!
You are awarded 125,000 coins, 1 acorn and 1 Gray Mammoth.

Survival of the Fittest

Complete the Not Extinct collection.

Survival of the Fittest

Collection "Walking Bulldozers"

To finish the walking bulldozers collection, you need to complete 4 families.
* Rhino - 50 acorns per family member.
* Musk Ox - Level 28 - 320,000 coins per family member.
* Mammoth - Level 6 - 8,000 coins per family member.
* Hippophant - Level 14 - 95,000 coins per family member.
You are awarded 140,000 coins and 5 acorns.

Outta the Way!

Complete the Walking Bulldozers collection.

Outta the Way!

Collection "The Big Guys"

To finish the big guys collection, you need to complete 4 families.
* Mammoth - Level 6 - 8,000 coins per family member.
* Grizzly Bear - Level 30 - 360,000 coins per family member.
* Gravelbeast - 110 acorns per family member.
* Hippophant - Level 14 - 95,000 coins per family member.
You are awarded 80,000 coins, 1 acorn and 1 Black Bear.

The Bigger They Are

Complete the Big Guys collection.

The Bigger They Are

Collection "Four-Legged Runners"

You need to complete 3 families to finish the four-legged runners collection.
* Gazelle - Level 26 - 280,000 coins per family member.
* Reindeer - Level 25 - 260,000 coins per family member.
* Leopard - 120 acorns per family member.
You are awarded 150,000 coins and 5 acorns.

Dashing Dashers

Complete the Four-Legged Runners collection.

Dashing Dashers

The next set of achievements are unlocked when you reach level 5, 10 ,15, 20, 30, 40 and 50. The maximum level your village can reach is level 65. Remember the warning on page one regarding the "Time Glitch". To level up, you must feed your animals (apple icon). The will reward you with xp. Before you can feed the animals, you must harvest the coins. After harvesting the coins and xp stars, a new cycle starts. Each animal has a different time cycle before it gives you new coins and xp. Remember to decorate your village as well for bonuses. Completing goals rewards you with xp as well.


Reach level 5.


The Mayor

Reach level 20.

The Mayor

The Gov

Reach level 30.

The Gov

The President

Reach level 40.

The President