Infinite Undiscovery Achievements Full list of all 50 Infinite Undiscovery achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 120-150 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 8 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 10 Difficulty Specific 3 Collectable 12 Missable 5 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 17 Level 1 Shop 2 Time/Date 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Surprise!Attack the enemy without being detected. 1 guideBlitzkriegKeep on surprising the enemy. 2 guidesInfinitely UnobservantKeep on getting surprised by the enemy. 1 guideGroundbreakingWork on your ground combos. 4 guidesAerial AcrobatWork on your aerial combos. 1 guideDown to EarthWork on your down strikes. 2 guidesStalwartLearn every battle skill. 1 guideSagaciousLearn every spell. 1 guideArtisticLearn every tune. 1 guideCompulsiveObtain every item. 2 guidesMister ChefImprove your cooking skills! 3 guidesClaridian ChefKeep improving your cooking skills! 1 guideCreme de la CremeCook anything you can! 1 guideAspiring ChemistImprove your alchemy skills! 1 guideClaridian MindKeep improving your alchemy skills! 1 guideMad ScientistAlchemize anything you can! 1 guideGoldsmithImprove your forging skills! 2 guidesClaridian HammerKeep improving your forging skills! 3 guidesHephaestus's HammerForge anything you can! 1 guideBestselling AuthorImprove your writing skills! 1 guideClaridian ScribeKeep improving your writing skills! 1 guideSumma Cum LaudeWrite anything you can! 1 guideHigh EnchanterImprove your enchanting skills! 2 guidesClaridian HandKeep improving your enchanting skills! 2 guidesCherubic GatekeeperMake it through the hidden trial! 2 guidesSocial ButterflyTake advantage of your party's skills. 2 guidesFilthy RichGather as much Fol as you can. 3 guidesHero of the MillenniumDefeat as many enemies as you can. 1 guideBad InfluenceLet your party members be lunatics. 2 guidesTime for Glasses?Keep on clocking hours. 1 guideBarrel of LulzDetonate all the barrels in prison. 2 guidesOn the RunDeliver Aya to the village without getting hurt. 2 guidesRock, Stock, and BarrelUse machines of war to destroy your foes. 1 guideCapell to the RescueRescue the imprisoned. 2 guidesGuardianDeliver the villagers without letting any of them perish. 1 guideFor the ChildrenRescue the child before he gets hurt. 2 guidesReckless DriverUse the carts in the mine. 2 guidesThe Tide of BattleWatch out for the tsunami. 2 guidesImperial GuardHurry to the empress. 1 guideMarathon ManHurry to the village under attack. 1 guideAzure AvengerDestroy the Azure Chain. 1 guideOrange OfficerDestroy the Orange Chain. 1 guideCrimson CrusaderDestroy the Crimson Chain. 1 guideCerulean SaviorDestroy the Cerulean Chain. 1 guideAmber AceDestroy the Amber Chain. 1 guideAshen AssailantDestroy the Ashen Chain. 1 guideVengeance at LastDefeat the Dreadknight. 1 guideDeicideDefeat the Crimson One. 1 guideBig Daddy's BackThe Liberator returns. 3 guidesSeraphic GatekeeperDefeat the ultimate foe waiting for you at the end of the ultimate challenge. 3 guides