Inversion Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Inversion achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 9 Online Mode 1 Offline Mode 40 Online/Offline 36 Single Player 23 Main Storyline 15 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 12 Cumulative + 1 Time Consuming 4 Level 38 Cooperative 9 Versus 1 x4 Players Required 3 x6 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Chapter OneComplete the final checkpoint in Vanguard Down on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter TwoComplete the final checkpoint in Caged on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter ThreeComplete the final checkpoint in Breakout on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter FourComplete the final checkpoint in Road Home on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter FiveComplete the final checkpoint in Street Fight on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter SixComplete the final checkpoint in Road to Hell on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter SevenComplete the final checkpoint in Edge of the World on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter EightComplete the final checkpoint in Into the Depths on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter NineComplete the final checkpoint in Enlightenment on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter TenComplete the final checkpoint in Reveal on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter ElevenComplete the final checkpoint in Red Sky on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter TwelveComplete the final checkpoint in Deja Vanguard on Normal or High Difficulty Chapter ThirteenComplete the final checkpoint in Reversion on Normal or High Difficulty Easy GoingFinish the Campaign on Low Gravity Difficulty Normal GuyFinish the Campaign on Normal Gravity Difficulty Rock HardFinish the Campaign on High Gravity Difficulty 1 guideMeatheadsFinish the Campaign with a Friend (Any Difficulty) 2 guidesLow G AmateurPerform 10 Finishing Moves using Low Grav Powers (Campaign) 1 guideLow G ChampPerform 50 Finishing Moves using Low Grav Powers (Campaign) 1 guideHigh G AmateurPerform 10 Finishing Moves using High Grav Powers (Campaign) 1 guideHigh G ChampPerform 50 Finishing Moves using High Grav Powers (Campaign) 2 guidesGravlink ThugUse the Gravlink to throw 15 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign) 1 guideGravlink HustlerUse the Gravlink to throw 30 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign) 2 guidesGravlink GangstaUse the Gravlink to throw 50 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign) 2 guidesThe Tin ManDefeat The Butcher (Any Difficulty) 1 guideThe Great DestroyerDefeat The Brute (Any Difficulty) 1 guideThe CollectorDefeat The Slave Driver (Any Difficulty) 1 guideMeet Your MasterDefeat The Prophet Kiltehr (Any Difficulty) 1 guideWilliam Tell RoutineShoot off 100 Lutadore Helmets (Any Difficulty) 2 guidesThreesomeUse the Gravlink to kill 3 Lutadores with one object (Campaign) 2 guidesFivesomeUse the Gravlink to kill 5 Lutadores with one object (Campaign) 3 guidesKicking Weightless AssEscape from a Lurker's grasp 5 times during single player 3 guidesI'm About to BlowKill 100 Lutadore Enemies with explosives in the Campaign (Grenades, Rockets, Barrels) 3 guidesBrotastic!Revive a friend online (Co-op mode) 2 guidesAh Gross!Use the Gravlink to throw a corpse at your friend (Co-op mode) 1 guideAll Up In Them GutsUse a Shotgun to gib 25 Lutadore enemies (Any Difficulty) 3 guidesBurn it DownSet 25 Lutadore enemies on fire with the Lavagun (Any Difficulty) 2 guidesDude Bro!Complete a Campaign level with a Friend (Any Difficulty) 1 guideSpot me Bro!Have a friend boost you over a ledge (Co-op mode) 1 guideGold StarGet 1st Place in a Deathmatch game (Matchmaking) 1 guideThat’s Assault Brotha!Be a part of a winning team in Assault Mode (Matchmaking) 1 guideTeamsterBe a part of a winning team in Team Deathmatch (Matchmaking) 1 guideI'm DesignerChange your multiplayer character's appearance 1 guideHalf SackReach Silver Grav Sergeant Rank 1 guideSoldierReach Bronze Grav Captain Rank 1 guideEnforcerReach Gold Grav Major Rank 1 guideMan of MayhemReach Diamond Grav Commander Rank 1 guideMaster BlasterComplete All Multiplayer Weapon Challenges Feats Don't Fail Me NowComplete All Multiplayer Basic Challenges 1 guideGrapplerTake the Gravlink from the Lutadores 1 guide