TA Podcast: Gigantic, Cars 3, Shadow of Mordor and Win a Game CodeWelcome to episode 80 of the TrueAchievements podcast. Jack is still on his holidays this week, but it isn't all bad news, as Rich's cough has finally eased off just enough for him to speak in full sentences again. Posted 8 years ago by Dave Horobin
Iron Crypticle Achievement List RevealedIf the titles that inspired the development of Iron Crypticle have been used to help create the achievement list (Smash TV, Robotron, Gauntlet) then it's going to be a near-impossible completion. Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock
Tikipod Announces Iron CrypticleDeveloper Tikipod has announced Iron Crypticle, an arcade twin-stick dungeon shooter with RPG elements that looks to offer a unique twist on the usual style of gameplay that comes from twin-stick shooters. Posted 8 years ago by Ashley Woodcock