Jeopardy! (2012) Achievements Full list of all 45 Jeopardy! (2012) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 25-30 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 2 Online Mode 43 Online/Offline 41 Single Player 44 Versus 1 Host Only 2 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 10 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply That is Correct!Respond to a clue correctly 1 guideShowoffPerform a gesture 1 guideWe Have A Champion!Win a game Dressed SmartlyChange clothes in the Contestant Creator 1 guideDaily Double WinnerRespond to a Daily Double correctly 1 guideNo BrainerWin a game on Easy difficulty 1 guideChallenge AcceptedFinish an online game 1 guideClue SolverRespond to five clues correctly 1 guideWelcome to the Winner’s CircleWin an online game 1 guideReturning ChampionWin five games My Category!Finished a category with the correct response What is the Correct Response?Respond correctly after someone does not 1 guideStill the Returning ChampionWin 10 games No Time For Small ChangeSolve the highest dollar value clue in a category first 1 guideShould Have Bet MoreAnswer Final Jeopardy! correctly with a $0 wager 1 guideA $5K Game!Win $5,000 in one game The Minigame Champ!Become a Minigame Champ 1 guideI Like MinigamesPlay every minigame 1 guideClue StreakRespond to five clues correctly in a row My Favorite CategoryRespond to every clue in a category How Did You Know?Pick the Daily Double before any other clues are revealed 3 guidesJeopardy! Pro!Win 25 games 1 guideA $10K Game!Win $10,000 in one game It Pays Off!Win $100,000 total 1 guideDaily Double ProWin all Daily Doubles in a single game 1 guideMake It A True Daily DoubleWager everything and respond to a Daily Double correctly 1 guideFinally Knew It!Be the only one to respond to Final Jeopardy! Correctly! 2 guidesClue Crew MemberRespond to all Clue Crew clues correctly in a game 2 guidesUltimate Minigame ChampWin every minigame 1 guideClue Streak, Again!Respond to ten clues correctly in a row Final WagerWager it all in Final Jeopardy! with a correct response 1 guideIt’s SubjectiveCorrectly responded to all five clues in a single subject 1 guideThinking AheadWin a game on Medium difficulty 1 guideA $25K Game!Win $25,000 in one game It Really Pays Off!Win $250,000 total 1 guideQuick on the BuzzerBe the first to respond to every clue on a board 1 guideI Never GuessComplete a game without entering any incorrect responses 4 guidesA $35K Game!Win $35,000 in one Game What A Pay Off!Win $1M total 2 guidesKnow It AllWin a game on Hard difficulty 1 guideJeopardy! Master!Win 50 Games 1 guideClue Master!Respond to 200 Clues Correctly 2 guidesJeopardy! Champ!Acquire all contestant clothes and logos 2 guidesSweep WeekWin five games in a row Category ExpertRespond to Clues Correctly from 25 categories 1 guide