Jeopardy! (2012) Walkthrough

Written by Geoffistopheles Published November 10th 2012
20 - 35 hours 50 Playthroughs 45
Jeopardy! (2012) Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
20 to 35 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
44 of 44 are Versus
43 of 43 are Online/Offline
Single Player
41 of 41 are Single Player
Cumulative +
10 of 10 are Cumulative +
3 of 3 are Stackable
Difficulty Specific
2 of 2 are Difficulty Specific
Online Mode
2 of 2 are Online Mode
Host Only
1 of 1 is a Host Only
Games included
Gamers Involved
Geoffistopheles (Owner)
drabik (Overseer)
Ergo Me Smart
Ergo Me Smart (Overseer)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Jeopardy! (2012) - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Welcome to the Jeopardy! walkthrough! This guide will be making the assumption that you have at least two local controllers rather than playing the AI. If playing the AI, it just gets a little longer looking up answers continuously.

  1. Obtain majority of achievements in first five games
  2. Grind out prizes in the form of contestant creation clothes and logos
  3. Grind out wins

There is one luck-based achievement that will be covered in the tips and tricks section.

Jeopardy! (2012) - General hints and tips

There is absolutely no penalty for pausing and looking up answers. As all the questions come from previous Jeopardy episodes, there is an online searchable archive located here:

As far as looking up answers goes, it's between the J! Archive and Google. I personally find Google quicker 95% of the time.

There is one achievement that is completely luck-based:

How Did You Know?

Picked the Daily Double before any other clues are revealed

How Did You Know?

There is a 1/30 chance of obtaining this achievement at the start of a game. When you feel like grinding it, start a game, skip through a cutscene, and pick whichever spot you think is lucky. If it doesn't pop, just quit out and try again.

Jeopardy! (2012) - Story walkthrough


Even if you plan on using your avatar, go into the contestant creator, pick the first contestant, and change something about his clothes.

Dressed Smartly

Changed clothes in the Contestant Creator

Dressed Smartly

Game 1

Set the difficulty to Easy, minigames on, and AI players off. You'll want to buzz in first for the entire board. Pick a category, then choose the $1000 clue. Answer it correctly and mash LB afterwards.

That is Correct!

Responded to a clue correctly

That is Correct!

Performed a gesture

No Time For Small Change

Solved the highest dollar value clue in a category first

No Time For Small Change

Continue to solve the rest of the category for...

My Category!

Finish a category with the correct response

My Category!
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
My Favorite Category

Responded to every clue in a category

My Favorite Category
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
It’s Subjective

Correctly responded to all five clues in a single subject

It’s Subjective
Clue Streak

Responded to five clues correctly in a row

Clue Streak
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
Clue Solver

Responded to five clues correctly

Clue Solver

Continue to select and respond to clues, boosting your money.

Clue Streak, Again!

Responded to ten clues correctly in a row

Clue Streak, Again!
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.

Eventually, you'll hit the Daily Double. Choose the maximum bet and answer correctly.

Daily Double Winner

Responded to a Daily Double correctly

Daily Double Winner
Make It A True Daily Double

Wagered everything and responded to a Daily Double correctly

Make It A True Daily Double

At the end of the round, assuming you've buzzed in for each clue, you'll get...

Quick on the Buzzer

Was the first to respond to every clue on a board

Quick on the Buzzer

You'll also play a minigame. Respond correctly for another achievement at the end of the game.

The Minigame Champ!

Became a Minigame Champ

The Minigame Champ!

In Double Jeopardy, there are two more Daily Doubles to double your money and two more Clue Crew clues. (Say that five times fast.) As your second controller has control of the board, pick a category and answer incorrectly with that account. Answer correctly with your main account for another achievement.

What is the Correct Response?

Responded correctly after someone does not

What is the Correct Response?

Answer another question correctly with your second account to bring it back into positive territory. Assuming it didn't hit on one of the Daily Doubles, that's two more achievements at the end of the round, followed by another minigame to win.

Clue Crew Member

Responded to all Clue Crew clues correctly in a game

Clue Crew Member
Daily Double Pro

Won all Daily Doubles in a single game

Daily Double Pro

In Final Jeopardy, wager it all. Answer correctly with your main account and incorrectly with your second account.

Finally Knew It!

Was the only one who responded to Final Jeopardy! Correctly!

Finally Knew It!
Final Wager

Wagered it all in Final Jeopardy! with a correct response

Final Wager

With that, you've won the game; be prepared for a deluge of achievements!

No Brainer

Won a game on Easy difficulty

No Brainer
A $5K Game!

Won $5,000 in one game

A $5K Game!
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.Stackable - These achievements can be unlocked at the same time as, or in the course of, earning its more difficult or less difficult counterpart.
A $10K Game!

Won $10,000 in one game

A $10K Game!
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
A $25K Game!

Won $25,000 in one game

A $25K Game!
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
A $35K Game!

Won $35,000 in one Game

A $35K Game!
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
It Pays Off!

Won $100,000 total

It Pays Off!
It Really Pays Off!

Won $250,000 total

It Really Pays Off!

If you've answered correctly every time you buzzed in, you'll get...

I Never Guess

Completed a game without entering any incorrect responses

I Never Guess

When accepting a prize at the end, always choose from clothing.

Game 2-15

From here, focus on answering clues correctly in all categories and boosting money. At the end of the first round, you will get the last minigame to play and win.

I Like Minigames

Played every minigame

I Like Minigames

By the end of Double Jeopardy, this is the soonest you can get...

Category Expert

Responded to Clues Correctly from 25 categories

Category Expert

By game 4, this is the soonest you can obtain...

Clue Master!

Responded to 200 Clues Correctly

Clue Master!

Win game 5 for the next achievements.

Returning Champion

Won five games

Returning Champion
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.Cumulative + - These achievements are obtained by repeatedly performing the same action or set of actions over time.
Sweep Week

Won five games in a row

Sweep Week
Online/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.

Averaging about $200k a game, this will have netted you another achievement.

From here, it's grinding out minigame wins to speed up prize collection. There are 43 prizes overall - earn above 10k per game to earn an additional prize for three prizes per game, or fifteen games for the achievement. At some point, have enough going into Final Jeopardy to bet nothing and answer correctly.

Should Have Bet More

Answered Final Jeopardy! correctly with a $0 wager

Should Have Bet More
Jeopardy! Champ!

Acquired all contestant clothes and logos

Jeopardy! Champ!

Games 15-50

From here, you'll want to grind out regular wins. There are two ways to do this: the quick way and the semi-idle boosting. Both ways function the same way. Set the difficulty to Hard, minigames off, and AI players off. On this difficulty, rather than multiple choice, you need to type in the answer on the on-screen keyboard. If you have a USB keyboard to plug in, supposedly that will also work. Answer one question correctly to put yourself in positive numbers, then let time run out on all clues to speed the game along.

To boost it quickly, sit with the controller and select each new clue manually as time expires. Doing it this way results in a game roughly every 20 minutes.

To semi-idle boost, you'll need a wired controller. Set the main account on the wired controller and the secondary account on the wireless controller. When the game loads, pop the batteries on the wireless controller. If it says to reconnect the wireless controller, wait for the loading to finish, and hit A on the wired controller to bypass the forced pause. Doing it this way results in a game roughly every 43 minutes, and you need to come back to set it up next time.

Thinking Ahead

Won a game on Medium difficulty

Thinking Ahead
Know It All

Won a game on Hard difficulty

Know It All


There are only two online achievements and they can be earned in private matches. However, in private matches, only the host gets achievements. If boosting, let the host win for both achievements.

Challenge Accepted

Finished an online game

Challenge Accepted

Congratulations! That's the end of Jeopardy!