Jimmie Johnson's Anything with an Engine Achievements Here is the full list of all 24 Jimmie Johnson's Anything with an Engine achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 15 Offline Mode 2 Online Mode 7 Online/Offline 20 Single Player 10 Versus 4 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 2 Collectable 1 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply BeginnerComplete a Career Mode event 1 guideRookie ChampComplete Career mode by playing all events on Rookie difficulty or higher 1 guidePro ChampComplete Career mode by playing all events on Pro difficulty or higher All-Star ChampComplete Career mode by playing all events on All-Star difficulty 1 guideSpeedsterWin your first Time Attack event, in Career Mode or Single Event (Regulation rules) 1 guideEndurerWin your first Endurance event, in Career Mode or Single Event (Regulation rules) DuelistDestroy an opponent's car in a Duel, in Career Mode or Single Event SaboteurDestroy an opponent's car as the Chicken Bomb in a Multiplayer Survival event 1 guideTravelerComplete an online Multiplayer event 1 guideHomebodyComplete a local Multiplayer event 1 guideTinkererBuild a new vehicle in the Garage 1 guideEnthusiastComplete 50 Events in Single Event mode (Regulation Rules) 2 guidesCollectorBuild all vehicles in the Garage 1 guideExplorerDiscover and successfully traverse an Expert Shortcut 1 guideRenegadeDiscover and traverse all Expert Shortcuts successfully 2 guidesSprinterBeat all Time Attack Events on All-Star difficulty in Single Event Mode (Regulation rules) 1 guideMarathonerComplete a 50 lap Endurance event 1 guideBoxerAchieve a 10x Ram Combo 2 guidesStrategistWin a Single Event Race (Regulation rules), without using the Pit Stop 1 guidePacifistWin a Duel without using any weapons in Career mode or Single Event (Regulation Rules) 1 guideRascalUse every Gotcha to successfully strike at Bot opponents 1 guideAchieverEarn all Badges in a Single Event Race (Regulation rules) 1 guideComeback Kid!Win a Single Event Race (Regulation rules) by climbing from last to first place in the final lap 1 guideAdvocateWin an online Ranked event playing as Jimmie Johnson 1 guide