#KILLALLZOMBIES Achievements Full list of all 21 #KILLALLZOMBIES achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 21 Offline Mode 21 Single Player 21 Cooperative 21 Host Only 13 Cumulative + 1 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Melee MasterUse melee attack 100 times in one session. 1 guideExterminatorKill 500,000 zombies. 1 guideLevel UpRack up to 30 level. 2 guidesCrasherExplode at least 100 cars in one session. 1 guideRAMPAGE!Perform a rampage attack. 3 guidesDongerinoKill the first Undead Boss. 3 guidesPacifistDon't shoot for whole six minutes and survive. 2 guidesXP+Score 10,000,000 experience points in a single session. 3 guidesStay AliveStay alive at least 60 minutes. 3 guidesLock'n'Load - PistolKill at least 1,000 zombies with a pistol. 1 guideLock'n'Load - RevolverKill at least 1,000 zombies with a revolver. 1 guideLock'n'Load - UziKill at least 1,000 zombies with an Uzi. 1 guideLock'n'Load - ShotgunKill at least 1,000 zombies with a shotgun. 1 guideLock'n'Load - M-16Kill at least 1,000 zombies with an M-16. 1 guideLock'n'Load - M-60Kill at least 1,000 zombies with an M-60. 1 guideLock'n'Load - CrossbowKill at least 1,000 zombies with a crossbow. 1 guideLock'n'Load - PlasmagunKill at least 1,000 zombies with a Plasma gun. 2 guidesLock'n'Load - FlaregunKill at least 1,000 zombies with a flare gun. 1 guideLock'n'Load - PepyakaKill at least 1,000 zombies with a Pepyaka gun. 2 guidesLock'n'Load - SpreadgunKill at least 1,000 zombies with a Spread gun. 3 guidesLock'n'Load - VolcanoKill at least 1,000 zombies with a Volcano machine gun. 2 guides