KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Achievements Here is the full list of all 69 KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue achievements worth 2,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Grouping All achievements Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Flag Filter All None 69 Offline Mode 69 Single Player 17 Main Storyline 3 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 4 Collectable 1 Missable 5 Cumulative + 3 Level 1 Shop 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Record KeeperAchieve 100% completion in Combat, Story, Items, and Game Records. Star CombatantAchieve 100% completion in Combat. StorytellerAchieve 100% completion in Story. Item CollectorAchieve 100% completion in Items. Level MastersAchieve a cumulative level of 100. Droplet MagnetRack up 300 or more Drop Points in a single turn. 1 guideDream DropperDrop 100 or more times. 1 guideDeft DiverComplete a dive without taking damage. 1 guideAce DiverPerform an A-Rank dive. Loyal CustomerMake a purchase at every Moogle Shop. 1 guideCommand CollectorObtain all commands. 1 guideRecipe CollectorObtain all recipes. Dream Piece CollectorObtain all Dream Pieces. Mark of MasteryDefeat the phantom Ursula and begin the Mark of Mastery exam. 1 guideA Divided WorldComplete Traverse Town as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideDark InterventionComplete La Cité des Cloches as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideMemory and HeartComplete The Grid as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideInhabitants of the Sleeping WorldsComplete Prankster's Paradise as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideDistinct WorldsRevisit and complete Traverse Town as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideAll for One, and One for AllComplete Country of the Musketeers as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideA Sound IdeaComplete Symphony of Sorcery as both Sora and Riku. The Depths of DarknessComplete The World That Never Was as both Sora and Riku. NostalgicView all flashbacks. 1 guideFlick Rush FeverAchieve a Rush Level of 20. 1 guideMedal MasterObtain 3,000 or more medals in Flick Rush. Lucky SevenWin a Flick Rush duel by lining up three 7s. 1 guideSuper CyclistEarn a score of 1,000 or higher on the Light Cycle. 2 guidesBalloon MasterEarn a score of 200 or higher in the Balloon mini-game. Water Barrel MasterEarn a score of 400 or higher in the Water Barrel mini-game. Candy Goggles MasterEarn a score of 800 or higher in the Candy Goggles mini-game. 1 guideEasy as 1-2-3Create a party with 3 Spirits. 1 guideTrue TrainerUse every Training Toy. Happy CampersCreate a party with 3 Spirits and make them all very happy. 1 guideKindred SpiritsMax out a Spirit's Affinity Level. Golden EggBreed a ★ Rank Spirit. 1 guideStrongest LinkUnlock all nodes on any Spirit's Ability Link board. 1 guideLifesaverRescue Spirits 3 times in battle. 1 guideAbility AceMax out and install all Support and Spirits abilities. 1 guideBull's-EyeDefeat 5 or more enemies with a single hit in Slingshot. Sliding ByConnect 6 or more points with a single Faithline. 1 guideSuper HackerActivate all Code Break commands. 2 guidesBubble BursterTrap 6 or more enemies in Bubble Burst. 1 guideComic KingActivate all of Wonder Comic's effects at least once. 1 guideMaestroDefeat 4 or more enemies in one turn of Melody Catcher. 1 guideChain ReactionSever all chains with a single slash 3 times in a row using Nightmare's End or Mirage Split. 1 guideChampions of All DistrictsComplete all Special Portals in Traverse Town as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideChampions of the CathedralComplete all Special Portals in La Cité des Cloches as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideChampions of the Digital WorldComplete all Special Portals in The Grid as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideChampions of the Endless OceanComplete all Special Portals in Prankster's Paradise as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideChampions of the Opéra HouseComplete all Special Portals in Country of the Musketeers as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideChampions of the Harmonic ScoreComplete all Special Portals in Symphony of Sorcery as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideChampions of the Dark CityComplete all Special Portals in The World That Never Was as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideBrave ChallengersComplete all 7 Link Portal bonus objectives. 1 guideSeekers of SecretsComplete all Secret Portals as both Sora and Riku. 1 guideWandering in the DarkBegin a journey to escape the Dark World. Flow of TimeComplete the Castle Town episode. False TemptationsComplete the World Within episode. Real or Illusion?Complete the Forest of Thorns episode. Into the Depths of DarknessComplete KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A fragmentary passage -. Treasure HunterOpen all treasure chests in the Dark World. AmbitiousComplete all objectives. UndefeatedComplete the story without having to Retry or Continue after being defeated. 1 guideHeartless HunterDefeat 500 Heartless. 1 guideIce QueenExecute Spellweaver's Finish command 5 times. Proud Player/Critical CompetitorComplete the game in Proud or Critical Mode. A Magical FinaleExecute all Magic Situation Commands. 1 guideShotlock StarEarn an Excellent rating in Shotlock. Dark ExplorerWalk a long distance within a single map. 1 guideFashionistaEquip an item in all wardrobe slots.